Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Pray and Praises for the week of September 25th


Phil Kenley: Still suffering from shingles

Church-Wide coat drive for September

David Evans: Cancer and Chemo Treatments

David and Linda Evans: Their daughter, Emily, is ill.

The rebuilding of the roof for the Memorial Baptist Church in Lubbock

Ester: Unspoken request

Doris McDonald: Her step-brother, Jeff Lewis, had a mild heart attack. There is 90% blockage in one artery and 80% in another. He is a smoker. If he wants to live, he must quit smoking. Please pray for healing, both physically and emotionally, and that he will have NO problems quitting smoking.

Tom Ray: His sister in law, Tammy Williams, has breast cancer and will be having surgery.

Joyce Wilbanks: Her son, Anthony Wilbanks will be spending a year in Korea teaching english. Please pray for his well being and his spiritual growth.

Janis Jones: She will be having carpal tunnel surgery.

Carla Kenley: She was taken to the emergency room last Sunday. She has a very bad case of bronchitis. Pray for her complete healing.

Larry Ward: His son John (also known as Andy) is facing possible back surgery.

Jonathan Eaves: He is having ear surgery and we need to pray for a complete healing.


Jo Carol is still doing really well!

Mindy and Cade had a great weekend and made it there and back just fine.

The Ward's son, Edwin and his wife Chelsea, made it out of Seabrook safely while they were fleeing Rita.

Drive In Movie Time

We will be having another movie night under the Pavillion on October 8th. It will begin around 6:30 with a hot dog supper. The movie will begin between 7:30-8:00 (just depends on when it gets dark). There will be a sign up sheet this Sunday for drinks and condiments. The hot dogs and buns will be provided. We had such a fun time at the last movie! You and your family really do not want to miss this! Dust off your lawn chairs and put this on your calender!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


The following poem was sent to me. As I read it, I thought of Isaiah. Dr. Clyde Fant, a renowned Baptist preacher, is the author.
Lamentation---(Words from Clyde Fant--Stetson University, retired)
As most of you know, I am from Louisiana. In the last days, grief and outrage have held a contest inside me. So I'm writing this. Because I have to.
How like a widow sits the city once so beautiful!
She weeps bitterly in the night, with tears on her cheeks,
Because there is none to comfort her.
She stretched forth her hands, but none came to her;
They heard how she was groaning, but none came unto her.
In her streets the flood bereaves;
In the sodden houses it is like death.
The leaders and elders of the city have fled, but the poor are trapped within her levees.

Her friends have dealt treacherously with her;
Those who promised to help are worse than her enemies.
When she cried aloud, none came;
Smooth words promised much,
But they were empty rhetoric, wells without water, phantom bread.
Shame! Shame upon us all.

Who would have believed it!
She who sang even when she mourned,
The people who danced even in their want--
Now they are dying.
Their colorful robes are stained with mud;
They are gray, all gray, the pallor of the dead.

Weep, weep for the great city!
Orators of platitudes, politicians of promises, it is you who betrayed her!
You took from her her safety; you neglected her when she reached out to you.
You channeled her rivers and harnessed her waters--but for yourselves!
For the profits of your friends!
You caused her marshes to dry and her wilderness to recede; you brought the might of the waves and the winds to her very doors.
The poor, those who dwelt in the lowest places, who lived in miserable shanties of wood, termite-ridden and forlorn,
Where none but the hopeless would dwell:
You have murdered them, and their corpses drift in the brackish floods,
But their cries have gone up to God!

Woe to you, Republicans!
For you pumped wealth from their lands and sent their sons to die in your wars,
But they are as nothing to you.
"Who is my neighbor?"
You do not know yet the answer to this ancient question.
Your only neighbors are your friends in the country clubs or the "good old boys" in the redneck bars.
Your grandfathers set the slaves free, and you return them to a worse bondage of perpetual poverty!
Your fathers segregated them, but you ghettoize them;
Then you redistrict them to take away the few voices they have,
But God will cause the ruined city to cry on their behalf!
Shame! Shame for your hypocritical use of my name to lure the unwary.

Woe to you also, Democrats!
You were the fathers of slavery, first sons of the South!
You damned the poor to generations of ignorance and want.
Your fathers segregated them, and you promised to bring them into your family.
But where were you when they needed you?
For you lack the courage of your convictions!
You curry the favor of the enemies of your own people!
You have become impotent by your timidity.
You endorsed the wars.
You approved the miserable crumbs for education and employment.
You courted the indifferent, smug suburbs--may you live among them eternally, bored forever by their white sameness!
Shame! Shame for your graft in the statehouses,
Your selfishness that has turned your people from you in disgust.

Woe to you Christians who pride yourselves in the name Conservative,
Who call all generous spirits and inclusive hearts liberals,
Who see wars as strength and peace as weakness!
The Prince of Peace rebuke you!

Woe to you also, Liberal Christians!
You scorn the common and cause the simple to feel inferior in your midst.
Your hearts are ever open, but your pocketbooks are always closed!
He who lived among the poor rebuke you!

Woe to you, television preachers and megachurch pastors! False prophets!
You deceive the people with your bleats of piety while you endorse wars and favor your rich benefactors.
Your prophecies of end times have come true--in your own generation!
Look upon the city!
Look upon hell on earth!
See what your leaders have wrought, the shame of the earth!
All mock us and call us fools,
We who send armies across oceans but cannot cross the Mississippi to help our own!
Shame, shame upon you!

I hate, I despise your solemn assemblies,
The self-hypnotic repetitions of your pagan praise-hymns are a scandal in my ears.
Come before me no more lifting up unholy hands,
Do not use my name to grow your personal kingdoms,
Or to bless your political ambitions.
What do think I desire?
Barrels of oil from Iraq?
Herds of sacred cows from Texas?
Go now and learn what this means: I desire mercy and not sacrifice,
Lovingkindness, not benign neglect.

Weep, weep for my city,
For my people,
For my children.
For they are dead.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Prayer and Praise for 9/18-9/24


Let's continue to remember Phil Kenley who is still having problems with shingles.

The September coat drive that the Church is having.

David Evans's needs our continued support and prayer with his fight with cancer and his chemo treatments.

Ersa Egnew's Mom is a member of the Memorial Baptist Church in Lubbock Texas. Last Saturday night, their roof was blown off of the building and into the street. They are not sure if it was high winds or a tornado.

Ester unspoken request.

Jo Lively will see the doctor on 9/28. Let's pray that it is a wonderful report.

Cade and I will be traveling next weekend and ask for your prayers for traveling mercies.

Doris McDonald's step-brother, Jeff Lewis, had a mild heart attack on Sunday, Sept. 11. He is 41 years old. He had 90% blockage in one artery and 80% in another. They put in shunts on Monday, Sept. 12. He is home and is doing well. He is a smoker. If he wants to live, he has to quit smoking. So please pray for healing – both physically and emotionally, and that he will have NO problem quitting smoking.

Let's prayer for all of our kids.....young and old alike.


Jo Carol has been able to attend for two Sundays and she is feeling better.

Camille got home from her training and is loving her new job.

Ersa's Wonderful Zucchini Bread Recipe

Zucchini Bread Recipe
3 eggs
1/2 tsp. soda
3/4 c. vegetable oil
1/4 tsp. baking powder
2 1/2 c sugar
3 c. flour
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. vanilla
2 tsp, cinnamon
1 c. nuts (optional)
2 C. grated zucchini
Beat eggs. Add oil, sugar, zucchini and vanilla. Mix well. Add dry ingredients and stir well. Bake at 350 for 50-55 minutes. Note: Do not use large seeds of zucchini. Leave skin on to grate.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Missions Projects

We need ideas.

Do you know of a local missions project our class could participate in? There are a ton of opportunities for us to donate money, but where do you suggest we donate our time? You can submit your ideas any way you chose - by phone, in class on Sunday, email or by commenting on this blog entry. (To leave a comment, click on the word "comments" at the end of this entry. It will take you to another screen where you can enter your idea, which will then be linked to this post.)

All ideas are welcome - big and small.

Don't forget the Coats for Kids drive. If you have children's coats to donate, please have them cleaned, sized and take them to the church office.

There will be Disaster Relief Volunteer Training on Saturday, September 17th (this Saturday!) at FBC in Crosbyton. It will last from 10 am. to noon. The course will prepare volunteers to work with the flood service unit currently in Alexandria, LA. If you are interested, call FBC Crosbyton to register. The number is 675-2251.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Prayer and Praise for 9/11-9/17

Pray Request

Camille Choate is in training for her new job this week. She will be traveling home this Friday. Please pray for traveling mercies.

Tammy Williams' sister in law is having breast cancer surgery this month.

Larry and Dianne Ward's son ,Edwin, is having health problems and job difficulties.

Phil and Carla Kinley's son Blain and his wife Kristin are moving to Tyler. They would like prayers for a house and a new Church.

Cary and Sally Eaves' son ,Timothy, is taking 22 hours at Wayland this semester and trying to finish up his degree.

Jonathan Eaves is trying to find a new job.

The International Students at Wayland. Pray that there are people placed in their paths that will help them to discover God's grace and will for their lives.

Ester has an unspoken request.

Kayla Caldwell's Dads angiogram is this Friday.

Our 6 visitor's (I will get you their names soon) that they will find a Sunday School home that they love and can grow in.


Kayla Caldwell's Mom's angiogram was clear!

Danielle DeVore is recoving and doing well. She is the Richard and Ersa Egnew's niece.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Urgent Need

I received a call from Jerry Thornton today regarding the people being sent to Lubbock from the Gulf Coast. The Reece Center in Lubbock is housing 457 people right now and they are receiving another 150 per day.

The church is getting the shower trailer (a relic of river ministry) refurbished and will be taking it to Lubbock either tomorrow evening or Thursday. The people staying there are also in need of towels, wash cloths and toiletries. Please gather any of these items that you can and take them by the church office tomorrow. Jerry also said he would be glad to pick up items from you if needed. You can reach him by calling the church office.

There is also a need for basketball goals and basketballs. They have a lot of teenagers on their hands with nothing for them to do. The church could take another 3 goals and as many basketballs as we can send.

Thanks for you help!!


Prayer Request 9/6/05

Prayer Request

Continued prayer for the refugees of Katrina and all of those that are taking care of those people. Pray for discernment about what we need to do in the way of help.

We need to be in prayer for this coming Sunday's activities. We set our Sunday School goal at 40 people. Let's pray and seek out those who God lays upon our heart.

Leslie, Dianne Ward's sister, is not doing well and needs our continued prayers.

Jana DeArmond's sister in law is pregnant with twins and it is a very high risk pregnancy.

Blanca Benvidez and Anna Trevino are sisters that both live in Amarillo. They are both fighting breast cancer and are doing chemo and radiation. Ester ask that we pray for both sisters health and that they have continued strength.

Continue to pray for Randy, Rachel and Katie. They will start working with various family members soon on several different things. They ask for your prayers for that situtation.

Phil Kenley has been diagnosed with shingles. He is experiencing pain and nausea.


Jo Carol says that she is doing great. She also reports that her son in law is back from Iraq. We were happy to have her back in Sunday School.

Larry Ward reports that his daughter in law is doing well and recovering nicely from her surgery.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Bible Study Schedule

Just so you can keep up with it all, here is the schedule for the Bible study in the month of September:

Sept. 4 Isaiah 36-39
Sept. 11 Sabbatical
Sept. 18 Isaiah 40; 44
Sept. 25 Isaiah 43; 45

Breakfast 9/11/05

Don't forget about our breakfast on 9-11-05. The men are cooking for the ladies! Bring your food at 8:00am and we'll eat around 8:45. If you'd like for me to come to your house on Sat. night to pick up food, just let me know.


Joey White

Prayer Requests for September 1, 2005


Welcome to the flannel board! Please email me any prayer requests or praises that you might have and I will get them updated ASAP. We are going to try to use our flannel board for prayers, praises, homework assignments, updates, missions or anything else that the class might be interested in.

Prayer requests for this week include:

We need to stay in prayer for all those effected by hurricane Katrina. There are many requests that are all rolled up into that horrific event.

Jo Lively has heard from her doctor who indicates that the medicine seems to be healing her from pneumonia.

Tate Davis broke his collar bone.

Conner Davis is supposed to have his last chemo treatments this month.

Don and Beverly Manley at the death of Don's brother in Hereford.

Ruth Wright's sister, Terry Glascow. She has a hand infection.

Randy, Rachel and Katie Jackson concerning the death of Katie's mom and Katie's move to Plainview.

Ersa Egnew's great niece, Danielle Devore, is having more corrective surgery today (9/1/05).

David Walker also told us Sunday that Jo Carol is doing better.

Phil Kenley has been diagnosed with shingles. He is experiencing pain and nausea.

If anyone has any prayer request to add, please contact me.
