Thursday, February 04, 2010

Paulette Mannings Brother-in-law Status

This is from Everette’s wife and Paulette’s sister, Becky. God is good.


Everette has improved enough to be moved to Kendrick Hospital in San Antonio to start Physical, Occupational and speech therapy. He is doing much better. He is eating and talking (although processing is some times slow) walked with a walker yesterday, upper and lower body strength seems to be strong. I don't know how long we will be at Kendrick at this point.

Visiting hours are 8am to 8pm. Bailey is going to go see her Poppy today, she is so excited.

Keep praying for healing for the head trauma which is getting better but need complete healing. Also his blood pressure has been elevated and they put him on medicine for that. He is getting bored because after therapy there is nothing to do so I'm talking the dice, dominos and lap top for him to play games with. Hopefully this will help.

As for me, I'm running on empty most of the time but God keeps giving me enough energy to keep going. I long for the day Ev can come home.

Thank everyone for the prayers and keep them coming. The bible verses I get are a great help.

God is Great!


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