Friday, January 15, 2010

Week of 1/10/2010 - Prayers, Homework, and Kenya Updates

Prayers of the People
Sunday School Recap and Next Weeks Text
Kenya Updates 1/10 and 1/13


Prayer requests for the week:
Tom Ray and Family - his mother passed away on 1/10. Funeral was scheduled for this week.

Kenya Mission Team - made it; however, delayed by 12-14 hours! Pray for the following participants:
Dr. Don Raney - FBC Petersburg
Rev. Matt Baird - FBC Hart (?)
Josh Williams
Cameron Harper
Kelsy and Ashley Beggs
Daniel Brown
Dr. Don Ashley - Wayland Faculty teaching this term
Dr. Richard Shaw - leading the team and doing administrative work for WBU

Matt Chandler - pstor of the Villiage Church in Lewisvill - has a malignant brain tumor and is in his mid-30s. Has three small children.

Sarah - a young woman living in rebellion - pray that God will bring her back in harmony with her parents and God's will.

Edwin Ward - continue to pray for his mental health.

Judy Whitworth - looking for a job in East Texas

Greg and Sara Howle - Pray for travel to California this week to visit his brother Adam. Also pray for their long journey back to Austrilia with a 5-month old child.

Blake Gloyna - young man in Hale Center that was in a gun accident - pray for healing and a quick recovery - will be a long road.


From this weeks lesson - Consider what it means to be an ambasodor to Christ - II Cor. 5:16-21; I John 3:16-20

Text and Title of lesson for 1/17/2010:
Matthew 13:10-17 and 21:33-43
We are going to hear the Winter Bible Study this month!


Kenya Update:

Greetings to all:

Our mission team will be fully engaged in renovation work of the "Christlike Academy" in Karanjee, Kenya. Dr. Don Raney, one of our mission team members and pastor of the FBC of Petersburg, TX, made the comment last night that were this school in the USA, it would be condemned. Our team members are very excited about the work.

All of the bags, save one, arrived last night.

We are attempting to locate, with the assistance of British Air and Virgin Atlantic Air, Daniel Brown's one bag.

Kelsey and Ashley Beggs were originally scheduled to arrive late this evening into Nairobi. Their flight to London was canceled, so they have been rerouted through Paris. They are to arrive tomorrow, Tuesday, at 6 AM.

The worship at the Imani Baptist Church was a rousing African worship experience yesterday. Dr. Don Raney preached the sermon around the motif of "Grasshoppers and Eagles" (Isaiah 40.31).

Please pray for the mission work today. Pray for the children who will use this school, all of whose mothers are HIV+. Pray that Daniel Brown's bag will be located and retrieved. Pray that Kelsey and Ashley will arrive safely tomorrow.

Thank you for your tremendous, continual support.


Rick Shaw

Kenya Update:

Dear family, colleagues and students:

The Wayland Mission Team has finally hit their stride in the mission work here in Kenya. Josh Williams (freshman) and Cameron Harper are skilled carpenters, and working alongside Ashley Beggs and Kelsey Beggs, are turning out tables, benches, and chairs for the AIDS orphans' school, the Christlike Academy. Pastor Linus Kirimi is thrilled with the progress.

Dr. Don Raney, Rev. Matt Baird, and Daniel Brown (Admissions and husband of Dr. Kim Brown), have almost completed the painting of the entire structure. They paint alongside Kenyans Patrick (whom I had the privilege of leading to Christ 18 months ago, and baptizing one year ago), Humphrey, Maureen, and Mary.

I believe that the new missionaries to Kenya are discovering the value of establishing relationships. The three men yesterday ventured out in the neighborhood, and were invited to Kenyan tea. Later yesterday, they visited Associate Pastor Shadrach and his wife Mary, and their new baby, Ezra. In our processing/debriefing session last night, Rev. Baird told me, "Dr. Shaw, I believe that the relational aspect of mission may be just as important as the 'work' part of the mission." Hmmmmm. . . . .

The two Kenyan children nearest my heart are reportedly doing alright. Njogu and Margaret, both of whom are HIV+, are continuing to take their ARV medications, and are in school. Both of these little ones are aware of their status, and tragically cognizant of the gravity of it. Though both have exhibited signs of advancing HIV, they are, at best, poignantly childlike, playing and running, and giggling and smiling. They live with seeming freedom, and I am thankful that the heinous, pernicious virus living and growing in them, remains thwarted at this time.

Please pray for . . .

1. the recovery of Daniel Brown's bag, which he has not seen since last Thursday at the Lubbock Airport.
2. the continuing safety and security of our team.
3. that the witness of our team brings glory to the Risen LORD.

Your faithful servant,



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