Thursday, September 15, 2005

Missions Projects

We need ideas.

Do you know of a local missions project our class could participate in? There are a ton of opportunities for us to donate money, but where do you suggest we donate our time? You can submit your ideas any way you chose - by phone, in class on Sunday, email or by commenting on this blog entry. (To leave a comment, click on the word "comments" at the end of this entry. It will take you to another screen where you can enter your idea, which will then be linked to this post.)

All ideas are welcome - big and small.

Don't forget the Coats for Kids drive. If you have children's coats to donate, please have them cleaned, sized and take them to the church office.

There will be Disaster Relief Volunteer Training on Saturday, September 17th (this Saturday!) at FBC in Crosbyton. It will last from 10 am. to noon. The course will prepare volunteers to work with the flood service unit currently in Alexandria, LA. If you are interested, call FBC Crosbyton to register. The number is 675-2251.


At 6:31 AM, Blogger little david said...

I think Cathy still has the address of the family to whom our class donated Christmas gifts last year. They need to have the steps into their trailer house replaced. Phil Kenley has the plans and could organize the project if others would chip in and help.


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