Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Prayers, Praise, and Homework

This edition of the Flannel Board includes:


Prayers of the People:

Peter Bowen - traveling to Kenya to teach. Pray for Lynette and the boys as he will be gone for three weeks.

Jimmy Webster - Martha Shaw's brother-in-law; in the hospital with severe staph infection following knee and hip replacement surgery.

Sarah Dillman - Sally Eave's neice; wisdom to make correct choices

Brent Barton and children - loss of his spouse, Stephanie

Tammy Frasior and children - loss of James Frasior

Dr. Paul Armes and Duana - as they travel in Italy and back to the States.

John Coon - continue to pray for healing, strength, and comfort

Pray for those with mental illness.


Praises of the People

Joe Schiel - Jean's dad had a knee cap replacement from the last knee replacement - he is doing great!

HOMEWORK - thanks, David!

If you missed Sunday school today, you missed some good discussion. In the effort to learn more about making friends for Christ, we are going to embark on a project. We will plan out and make an audio CD with testimonies, Bible passages, comments about FBC, etc. This will be something that we can distribute to people we befriend in the name of Christ.For next Sunday please think about and write up comments on one (or more) of the following topics:
• Testimony of God's work in your life
• Explanation of how to come to Jesus
• What FBC has meant to you
• What Christians believe about the Bible
• Favorite prayers or passages of scripture
We envision adding more info than this (e.g., listing some of the FBC programs with schedules and locations), but need your contributions for scripts. Even if your comments are not selected for the CD, it will be valuable for you to think about the topics listed above.

See you next Sunday with your "homework" in hand!



At 12:42 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

@ Peter Bowen, You have my prayers....May every good thing happen to you. May the Lord perfect all that which concerns you.

For your travel to Kenya, I take this time to welcome you to Kenya. Wish you happy moments when you will be here in Kenya. Incase you may want any assistance for your travel in Kenya or safari in Kenya feel free to contact me.

Best regards,

Vacations Kenya Tours and Safaris

At 4:56 AM, Blogger David said...

Thanks for posting the homework reminder, Stan!


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