Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Urgent Need

I received a call from Jerry Thornton today regarding the people being sent to Lubbock from the Gulf Coast. The Reece Center in Lubbock is housing 457 people right now and they are receiving another 150 per day.

The church is getting the shower trailer (a relic of river ministry) refurbished and will be taking it to Lubbock either tomorrow evening or Thursday. The people staying there are also in need of towels, wash cloths and toiletries. Please gather any of these items that you can and take them by the church office tomorrow. Jerry also said he would be glad to pick up items from you if needed. You can reach him by calling the church office.

There is also a need for basketball goals and basketballs. They have a lot of teenagers on their hands with nothing for them to do. The church could take another 3 goals and as many basketballs as we can send.

Thanks for you help!!



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