Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Update February 25, 2009

Would you please add these two prayer concerns on the prayer blog?

Tonei Chatham passed away Sunday night. Please keep her husband, Tommy, and her son, Tad, in your prayers.

Kip McDonald was medically dropped from the Navy Seal candidate program for the third and final time. He is feeling very low. Please continue to lift him up. His body is healing, and now God needs to give him mental and emotional healing. He needs God to tell him what direction to go from here. He will be having pulmonary tests run Thursday (2-26-09). Please be in prayer for the tests.



Sunday, February 22, 2009

Update February 22, 2009

Faith is taking 19 hrs this semester and is very stressed. Please keep her in your Prayers. Martha Shaw

Ben & Delina Egnew (New York) are trying to sell their home & move to Vermont where Ben is now working. Thanks The Egnews

Jacob Egnew was in a motorcycle accident & broke his sternum. It is very painful, but he should recover completely.

Thanks for all your Prayers!

Continue to Pray for Nathan Ray, that he finds a church home.

Kip McDonald Recovery and encouragement.

Sarah - David and Cathy's daughter-in-law in Australia is 12 weeks pregnant. Greg's wife.

Olga - Paul - esophagus biopsy.
Shafa - Claude Lush's 16 year old niece has Hodgkins

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Update February 15, 2009

Pray for Nathan Ray, son of Tom & Linda. He just recently broke up with his girlfriend, and he also needs to find a church home.

Crystal McDonald needs a job. Please Pray for a Christian boss and Christian co-workers.

Kip McDonald starts Navy Seal Hell week today. Please Pray for good health, safety, strength, endurance, etc. Please Pray that his body can handle the cold weather.

Sally Eaves - I have been diagnosed with advanced degeneration of the vertebrae in my neck and middle back. I am under a Doctor's care & believe we are seeing some good results. However it is going to takr months to stop & hopefully reverse the degeneration. Please Pray that the therapy will work & hopefully alleviate the migraaine headaches that I suffer with.

Please Pray for Erin during her pregnancy. She has had some complications and is now on bed rest. Pray that she & her baby will be protected during this time. Pat Smith.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Update February 12, 2009


I have received a call from Joe Wright thanking us for the prayers for Vickie during her open heart surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona. He said that the surgery went well and she has been moved to a private room as of this afternoon (Wednesday). She will remain in the hospital about another week and then in Arizona probably another two weeks before returning home. If anyone is interested in sending a card, the address is:

Joe and Vickie Wright

9879 E. Chuckwagon Lane

Scottsdale, AZ 85262


Pat Smith

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Update February 10, 2009

Larry, please post the following:

There will be a spring break retreat for university students through the Baptist Student Ministry office. Seven international students are hoping to go, but none of them have funding. So far only two sponsors have signed up to help these students. If you would like to help, contact Donnie Brown at the BSM or send a message through David Howle.

The Bible passages for next Sunday's lesson are Leviticus 19:17-18; Matthew 5:43-48; 1 John 4:7-12

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Update February 8, 2009

Pray for Linda Eversole - death of husband. Charles

Pray for Jessica Young a Wayland student serving on the mission field in Africa.

Praise for Tracy, Richard & Family with the birth of Amber Nicole. Thanks for all your Prayers - Olga

Continual Prayers for Cory Kirk(Judy & Bill Davis' son-in-law) as he serves in Afghanistan.

Pray that my parents move here for next winter Dec - Feb. I am going to Pray them here. Annette Coon

Pray for the family of Danny Ivy - Ag teacher from Hale Center. Danny died thursday. Funeral will be monday.

Tonei Chatham will have Chemo in Lubbock. Pray that the blood thinner drugs disolve the blood clots. They need hope.

Thank you to Rick and Martha Shaw for opening their home for a book review and fellowship.

Larry, please add this to our prayer requests:

My daughter, Erin Smith Galyean, is having some problems with her pregnancy. She has been put on bed rest and is about 26 weeks along at this point. Please pray that God will take care of these problems, protect her baby and allow her to carry this child full term.

Thanks for your prayers,

Pat Smith

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Update February 1, 2009

Please Pray for Vickie Wright - Open Heart surgery on February 9, 2009.
Please Pray for Ray Daffern - Biopsy on thyroid tumer Monday February 2, 2009.

Please keep Tracy Rosales in your Prayers. She is in her last three weeks of her pregnancy.

Please Pray that God will supply a job with Christian co-workers for Crystal McDonald.

Please Pray for Joe Schiel ( Jean DeMerritt's Dad) who is having knee surgery Monday, February2,2009 in Roswell, N.M.

Let us thank God that we have such a wonderful Sunday School Teacher.(David Howle)