Sunday, February 22, 2009

Update February 22, 2009

Faith is taking 19 hrs this semester and is very stressed. Please keep her in your Prayers. Martha Shaw

Ben & Delina Egnew (New York) are trying to sell their home & move to Vermont where Ben is now working. Thanks The Egnews

Jacob Egnew was in a motorcycle accident & broke his sternum. It is very painful, but he should recover completely.

Thanks for all your Prayers!

Continue to Pray for Nathan Ray, that he finds a church home.

Kip McDonald Recovery and encouragement.

Sarah - David and Cathy's daughter-in-law in Australia is 12 weeks pregnant. Greg's wife.

Olga - Paul - esophagus biopsy.
Shafa - Claude Lush's 16 year old niece has Hodgkins


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