Sunday, February 08, 2009

Update February 8, 2009

Pray for Linda Eversole - death of husband. Charles

Pray for Jessica Young a Wayland student serving on the mission field in Africa.

Praise for Tracy, Richard & Family with the birth of Amber Nicole. Thanks for all your Prayers - Olga

Continual Prayers for Cory Kirk(Judy & Bill Davis' son-in-law) as he serves in Afghanistan.

Pray that my parents move here for next winter Dec - Feb. I am going to Pray them here. Annette Coon

Pray for the family of Danny Ivy - Ag teacher from Hale Center. Danny died thursday. Funeral will be monday.

Tonei Chatham will have Chemo in Lubbock. Pray that the blood thinner drugs disolve the blood clots. They need hope.

Thank you to Rick and Martha Shaw for opening their home for a book review and fellowship.

Larry, please add this to our prayer requests:

My daughter, Erin Smith Galyean, is having some problems with her pregnancy. She has been put on bed rest and is about 26 weeks along at this point. Please pray that God will take care of these problems, protect her baby and allow her to carry this child full term.

Thanks for your prayers,

Pat Smith


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