Monday, June 30, 2008

Update June 29, 2008

Pray for travelers on the road this week.

Praise - Nathaniel and his experiences in "expo" acting in Dallas. Safe return home. (Olga & John)

Jackie Parker's family. He passed away saturday.

Charlotte White is recovering from Shingles.

Cory Kirk (son-in-law of Bill & Judy Davis) is due home from Iraq this week. Pray for safe return and then safe travel to visit in Texas!

Kenya trip in July

Thank you to all who prayed for me - Larry

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Update June 26, 2008

Hello everyone,

I hope you are having a good week. It looks like Cathy and I will be out again this Sunday. One of her uncles died and the funeral is Saturday in San Antonio.

Let's go ahead and try to proceed with the lesson. The two women to study are Rahab (Joshua 2) and Deborah (Judges 4-5). Use your study outline to see how much you can discover about these two women before Sunday. I will write more by the end of the week.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Update June 22, 2008

Remember our Kenya team that will be leaving in July.

Praise - Crystal McDonald has an understanding boss!

Pray for Richard/Tracy as they travel back from Coaches Retreat today.

Pray for Heather Dillard, a Wayland student who underwent extensive surgery last week.

Please Pray for Renee Egnew (Richard's sister) she has a vascular disease.

Please pray for the Dillard's grandaughter who underwent major surgery this past week.

Keep David Evans and David Milstead in uour prayers for their health to improve.

Please pray for Edwin Ward that he will let the Lord back in his life, and that his mental health will improve. His mother and I haven't heard from him in several months.

Praise that we have such a wonderful Sunday School teacher.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Hello everyone,

How was Sunday school yesterday? Isn't Dr. Manning a great teacher? I
am thankful that he was available (and willing) to substitute for me.
Next Sunday, Cathy and I will be back, weary perhaps but glad to see
all of you.

Rehearsals for the play have made progress. This morning we will be
able to move into the Spencer Theatre. The set is massive and we will
doubtless spend all day getting everything in place, then setting the
lights and working on the light cues. When we passed out fliers and
posters on Saturday, there were good responses. Walking down the main
drag in Ruidoso, I came across a family from Lubbock; one daughter was
wearing a Coronado Mustangs T-shirt. That's my alma mater.

It has been great to see the student actors grow in their abilities.
This play is a murder mystery and I think that the audience will be on
the edge of their seats, especially towards the end. But there are
lots of laughs in the play also, so we have to be consistent about not
breaking character.

I will write more towards the end of the week. I forgot to bring my
Bible study books with me, so we will see what the lesson is about. If
you have any ideas, send them to me.


Sunday, June 08, 2008

Update June 8, 2008

Praise - VBS handout ice cream was a huge blessing to all of us that participated Friday evening. Don Manley was awesome and we were very blessed to have him help us.

Praise to God and my Sunday School Class for the prayers, visits, and food during my surgery. David Walker

Keep Edwin Ward in your Prayers. Dianne and I haven't heard from him in several months.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Update June 6, 2008

Hello Everyone!

We are set for tomorrow at 6:00pm with Mr. Manly at the Central Apartments (910 W 28th St), we will meet on the east side of the apartments. Mr. Manly will be in a blue S10 pickup, and I will be in a maroon suv. (yes Cathy I plan on picking you up). Call me with your address. We have plenty of cards to give out about VBS and a little over $300.00 to give away in ice cream. Mr. Manly shared that this area will really appreciate us visiting. This should be great, the church placed a newspaper add today that if any children needed transportation to call the church office so we will have to remember to mention this when we give out the cards.

Also, I need people to volunteer to pitch-in snacks (cookies, chips, fruit etc) for the VBS workers in the Hospitality room, on Monday, June 9. I apologize for the late notice of this, but it came up so quickly. Our Sunday school class was asked if we could do this and from what I have gathered our class doesn’t give up on a challenge to serve. So, Please let me know if you are able to bring something and what it might be so we don’t end up with all cookies or something (gosh, they would just hate that huh).

Ok, I am looking forward to a wonderful evening tomorrow night.

Have a great evening,

Annette Coon

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Update June 4, 2008

Hello friends,

This is just a note to remind you that the Sunday school lesson for June 8 is about Tamar and Potiphar's wife. The Bible passage is Genesis 38-39. My guess is that you have never studied Genesis 38 before. Take a look at the chapters and for each woman ask the same questions that we did for previous characters:

What was her primary role?
What were her characteristics? How was she first described?
What is the first comment recorded for her?
What were the actions of God in her life?
What was her attitude toward God?

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Update June 1, 2008

Pray for Dr. Rick Shaw and our WBU students in Macedonia.

Please continue to Pray for Crystal McDonald as she searches for a job.

Pray for Anthony Wilbanks as he looks for a job.

Guest in Sunday School were Gary and Paulette Manning.

Continue to Pray for David Evans and David Milstead.

Pray for Edwin Ward's mental and physical health.