Thursday, November 30, 2006

WBU Track Team Dinner


LeAnna Davenport wrote:
FBC and the University Ministry will be hosting the WBU Track Team for dinner on Monday, Dec. 4 at 6:00 p.m. in the LA.

There are 44 people on the team including coaches and families, therefore we would like to ask your class to help with side dish items and desserts, but also to be there to fellowship and have dinner with the team that night. We want them to know they are welcomed here!

We will be grilling burgers and dogs. So if anyone wants to help grill, you can volunteer for that also.

Possibilities for sides are:
chips, dips, beans, potato salad, etc

Desserts: Whatever...anything will be enjoyed!

Would you please respond to this email if you are either able to provide food and/or attend the dinner that night.

Thank you for your help!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Update for week of November 26, 2006

Pray for safe travel for families and students as they are on the road today.

Bruce Williams, Tom and Linda Ray's brother - in - law, needs prayer for strength during divorce.

Emilio Jimenez - In Covenent Hospital Plainview. Very weak and trying to recover from loss of blood. He has been in the Hospital since Wednesday. This is Olga's Dad.

Continue to pray for Jetta Jackson ( Randy's Mom) She is at home, under hospice care, spirits are high, but condition continues to worsen.

Pray fot Dianne ward's knee to continue to heal.

Pray for Edwin Ward who has several issues he needs God's help with.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Helping Shut-ins

Elaine and/or David:

Peggy Wall wants to know if our class would be interested in raking leaves again for a couple of shut-ins. One is the woman we worked for last year - Hazle Schwartz at 1110 Fresno and the other is Wilma Noblet at 911 Portland. I told her I would pass this information on.

Mrs. Wall's number is 296-9791 or 774-1970 (cell)


Persons needing help for Christmas

Subject: Persons needing help for ChristmasDate: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 11:24:24 -0600

I am receiving requests from persons who might need some help with gifts for their children at Christmas. If your class would be interested in helping with one of these needs, please contact me at I will verify the need prior to giving you any names.

Thanks for this help.

Kenneth Coates
Interim Minister of Education

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Update for week of November 19, 2006

Pray for Tom and Linda Ray's brother-in-law - Bruce Williams - divorce

Aline Cavazos - Pray for her and her newborn daughter, need God's hand in their lives.

Suicide concerns for a 15 yr old girl

Continue to pray for Cory Kirk's safety in Iraq. He is the son-in-law of Bill and Judy Davis.

Julianne Wright, Senior Recital this week, she has a lead in an opera at Arizona State.

Colton Curry - shoulder surgery next wednesday. Kathy Curry, Bill Curry - knee surgery recovery (Kayla's relatives)

Joyce and Anthony Wilbanks - safe travel to Denver for the holidays

Dianne continue to recover from knee replacement surgery.

Edwin Ward (Larry & Dianne's son) to find a job in the Houston area.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Charlotte and Joey White

The White's have declined meals , but appreciates your prayers and cards. They thank you for offering the meals. Let us continue to pray for Charlotte's health and keep those cards coming.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Update for week of November 12, 2006

Charlotte is now home and is still radioactive.

Praises - Mario was released to full duty

Continue to pray or Jetta Jackson (Randy's mother)

Pray that Dianne Ward's knee replacement will continue to heal and physical therapy will get her back to normal

Let us thank the Lord for giving us such a great teacher

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

November 8, 2006

Larry and Dianne would like to thank everyone for your prayers,meals, and cleaning our house. David Howle's Sunday school class has such a giving and loving heart. Your kindness has helped us far more than we could ever put into words. From our hearts we thank you and love you.
Larry and Dianne Ward

Monday, November 06, 2006

A message from David

Hello friends,

During the coat distribution on Saturday, we learned about a family in Hale Center whose house burned down. They lost everything, and Phyllis Wall asked if we could consider how we might help them out. I have coats for all the family members, but I am leaving town tomorrow morning. Is there someone who could deliver the coats to the Hale Center Gin this week?

The family name is Spencer. Parents Chris and Lori have three boys (ages 3, 8, and 10) and one girl (age 5). A phone number where they can be reached is 729-4644. Please let me know if you can help out here.


Thanks to Mario and Ester for volunteering to take the coats to Hale Center! The Spencer family is staying with her mother right now, but they will need a place to settle into before receiving much more. Let's talk this over on Sunday.


Sunday, November 05, 2006

Update fot week of November 5, 2006

Bill Curry (Kayla's Dad) will have knee surgery on the 17th

Charlotte - Radioactive iodine treatment on the 8th

Dianne Ward's recovery from surgery.
Dianne's nephew Robert and his family as they serve the Lord in Turkey

Continue to pray for Jonathan Eaves - at Texas Tech to complete semester strong in all of his classes (especially his Latin class)

Zuigia is going through transition and will have been restructured by the end of the year

Jetta Jackson (Randy's Mom) brain cancer has spread and chemo/radiation as doctor puts it, was like water, it did nothing. Family struggling with additional chemo option which only has an 18% chance of slowing the cancer. The doctors say we are looking at weeks to a few months of survival.

Kathy Petty - pray for relief from pain and enough improvement for her to regain a measure of independence.

Mario Rodriquez - will see the specialist on tues 11-07-06 in hopes to be fully released after knee surgery.

Kristi Kenley - Considering changes in job and to follow God's plan for her life.

Bruce williams (Tom Ray's brother - in - law) is in the process of divorce. Pray for him

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Update for Nov 2, 2006

Hello everyone,

Let me start by thanking the fellows who put together the burrito breakfast on Sunday morning. It was a wonderful time of fellowship, and we appreciate your work to meet our needs.

It looks like we finally get to have our own room again! Jim, our new maintenance engineer, located a room in the educational building that will be ours (at least for a while). It is room 317 and Jim assures me that we will have a white board and the orange chair. I will look for our maps and other items. Let's all plan to meet in room 317 this Sunday.

Many of you submitted questions for the "20 questions" study. I have organized the questions into several series of studies. But that does not mean that the polls are closed. Please continue to send questions and topics for discussion.

For this coming Sunday, we will look at the issue of Chaos and Order. The scripture passages to look over are:
Gen. 1:1-2:1; 6:1-4; Job 10:8-22; 1 Cor. 14:39-40; 15:20-28. The question that prompted this lesson is “What is the relationship between chaos (Gen. 1:1) and the giants mentioned in Gen. 6:1-4?” (How's that for a question?)

Cathy and I stopped by the Ward's house tonight. Dianne is feeling better, though she is staying busy with the therapy procedures. Charlotte will have her radiation treatment on November 7, so remember her in prayer also. And if you have any prayer requests or praises, let Larry Ward know at

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday,

Judy Davis's Dad

Just heard that Judy's Dad passed away last night. Don't know any details. Thought you'd want to know.