Sunday, November 05, 2006

Update fot week of November 5, 2006

Bill Curry (Kayla's Dad) will have knee surgery on the 17th

Charlotte - Radioactive iodine treatment on the 8th

Dianne Ward's recovery from surgery.
Dianne's nephew Robert and his family as they serve the Lord in Turkey

Continue to pray for Jonathan Eaves - at Texas Tech to complete semester strong in all of his classes (especially his Latin class)

Zuigia is going through transition and will have been restructured by the end of the year

Jetta Jackson (Randy's Mom) brain cancer has spread and chemo/radiation as doctor puts it, was like water, it did nothing. Family struggling with additional chemo option which only has an 18% chance of slowing the cancer. The doctors say we are looking at weeks to a few months of survival.

Kathy Petty - pray for relief from pain and enough improvement for her to regain a measure of independence.

Mario Rodriquez - will see the specialist on tues 11-07-06 in hopes to be fully released after knee surgery.

Kristi Kenley - Considering changes in job and to follow God's plan for her life.

Bruce williams (Tom Ray's brother - in - law) is in the process of divorce. Pray for him


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