Monday, November 06, 2006

A message from David

Hello friends,

During the coat distribution on Saturday, we learned about a family in Hale Center whose house burned down. They lost everything, and Phyllis Wall asked if we could consider how we might help them out. I have coats for all the family members, but I am leaving town tomorrow morning. Is there someone who could deliver the coats to the Hale Center Gin this week?

The family name is Spencer. Parents Chris and Lori have three boys (ages 3, 8, and 10) and one girl (age 5). A phone number where they can be reached is 729-4644. Please let me know if you can help out here.


Thanks to Mario and Ester for volunteering to take the coats to Hale Center! The Spencer family is staying with her mother right now, but they will need a place to settle into before receiving much more. Let's talk this over on Sunday.



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