Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Update March 31, 2009

Hello everyone,

Would you like to know the plan for the next several months of Sunday school? Well, here is a start. Last Sunday's discussion gave us an order for the topics we want to address as a class. Those topics, in the order we will be studying them, are:
Living a disciplined life (prayer, Bible study, worship)
Maturing in our obedience to God, thus glorifying Christ
Forming new relationships with people (evangelism)
Making a difference in our community; serving the needs of our neighbors
Participating in mission activities (international, national, and local)
Caring for one another (intercessory prayer, counsel, service)

Thank you to the members of the class who helped with suggesting ideas. Now let's get to work on putting into practice these actions. Next Sunday (April 5), we will look at the example of Jesus to observe the elements of his disciplined life. For your homework this week, select a chapter from one of the Gospels and read it through twice on each of at least two days. If about thirty people come to class Sunday, we should be able to list a lot of the actions of Jesus that we have observed in our readings.

Remember that on Easter Sunday, the worship service will be held in the Harral Auditorium of Wayland Baptist University. There will be no Sunday school that day. The following Sunday (April 19), Cathy and I will be in Lubbock where I will be teaching a lesson on world religions. I will start right now getting a teacher lined up to conduct the lesson for our class that day.

Pray for me--this is a busy week, er, month. And I will pray for you, too.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Update March 29, 2009

Please Pray for Jamie Coon (John Coon's brother) and his family.

David Milstead's niece, Heather, her sister-in-law died so the family needs Prayers for grace to get through this difficult time of loss.

Pray for Gene Lance - Surgery for throat cancer. Pray for his recovery.

Pray for David Evan's Dad who has Dementia.

Ester Rodriquez - Pray for her and Mario as they are going through difficult times.

Jean DeMerritt's sister - Please Pray for (Joyce) She is going through a difficult time - Domestic violence
Comphrensive Science Exams for Masters.

Pray for Cory(Bill & Judy Davis son-in-law) who is in Afghanistan.
Pray for Paul Langford who is going to Afghanistan.

Lynette's Work - a staff meeting. Pray for wisdom of God in meeting.

Ester Rodriquez's Mom needs our Prayers. She is having heart problems.

Please continue to Pray for Jo Carol Walker.

Pray for Nathan Ray, who has recently broke up with his girlfriend. Also Pray that he finds a Church home in Tulsa, Ok..

Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 22, 2009

Pray for Alton Painter as he continues to recover from a fractured vertebra.

Pray for Crystal McDonald that she finds a job with a Christian boss and Christian co-workers.

Praise David for bringing us such great lessons each Sunday

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Update March 15, 2009

Crystal McDonald still needs a job. Please Pray that God will lead her to a job with a Christian boss and co-workers.

Erin (Pat and Blaine Smith's daughter) is still put to bed with her pregnancy. Please Pray that the baby will not come until her due date.

Praise - David Evans is looking and feeling good.

Pray for those who are traveling during this spring break.

Pray for the students who are doing God's work during this spring break.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Update March 13, 2009

Have you been wondering what will happen during Sunday school this Sunday? Here are my suggestions:

A. Each person spend some time today or tomorrow reviewing the Bible readings you have been doing this week. Write down a verse or passage that particularly intrigued, encouraged, or troubled you. Bring your note to class Sunday and everyone take turns sharing their observations. Pray for each other and for the needs of the community.

B. Visit the church library (second floor, end of the hallway) to observe what resources are available for studying: the Bible, missions, and daily discipleship. Each person find a book you want to read the next week and check it out. Come back to the classroom and discuss which book you got and why you got it. Pray for the church leaders, paid and volunteer, and for those who are doing missions during Spring Break.

C. Review the lists on the whiteboard. Try to isolate specific projects that our class could take on. Identify activities which are already taking place in our church and divide up assignments to contact the leaders of those activities. Be ready to provide a list to the class on March 22. Go around the room describing the conditions of your children, then pray for each other's families.

You could do any one or all three of these as time allows. I will see you on Sunday March 22.


Sunday, March 08, 2009

Update March *, 2009

Pray for Sara Howle during her pregnancy.

Prayer Request - Fred improving - continue to Pray
Erin 30 weeks along and is on bed rest
Danny Andrews biopsy
Martha biopsy

Pray for good results from a biopsy for Martha Shaw.

Pray for our students and adults going on Mission McAllen, March 15-19

Please continue to Pray for Erin (Blaine and Pat Smith's daughter) during her pregnancy.

Please continue to Pray for Kip McDonald.

Pray for David, Cathy, and students during their spring break trip.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

New Update

Hello everyone,

Did you realize that spring break for the Plainview schools is rapidly
approaching? That will mean some changes of routine for many of us.
For example, the Baptist Student Ministry of Wayland's Plainview
campus will be sponsoring a trip for students who would otherwise be
stuck in Plainview for the week while all their friends are elsewhere.
The students most in need are international students, not only because
they are far from family, but because most of them have very limited
financial resources. Although some sponsors have been found to help
out (including the Missions Committee of FBC), there are still nine
internationals who do not have the $200 necessary for the trip. Would
you consider donating funds to help these students? If so, bring a
check made out to "Baptist Student Ministry" this Sunday and I will
take it to Donnie Brown. Or you can contact his office directly, if
you wish; I will have details on Sunday.

Also related to spring break: Cathy and I will be in California on
March 15. We are taking some WBU students to visit Golden Gate Baptist
Theological Seminary. These students are seeking to understand God's
will for their ministries after graduation. Our class will need to
discuss what to do that Sunday. I know that the Mannings will be out
and there may be a number of others who have made plans.

So we will see you Sunday in the new classroom. Be ready to talk, OK?


Wednesday, March 04, 2009

New Update

Hello everyone,

So was it low-attendance day last Sunday and no one told me? Well, the dozen or so of us who gathered for study had a good time. We looked at Matthew 28:16-20 to get some directions on the purpose for the church. This Sunday we will continue with the same passage and try to understand: 1) our purpose as a Sunday school class, and 2) what we need to do to achieve that purpose.

We will also be meeting in a new (old) room. It is the room on the third floor that is against the north wall (the Dixons warn that it is cooler than our present room). Alton or someone will be directing traffic. We took all the padded chairs with us, you will be happy to know.

See you there!


Sunday, March 01, 2009

Update March 1, 2009

Please Pray for our youth and adults going on Mission McAllen during spring break