Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Update March 31, 2009

Hello everyone,

Would you like to know the plan for the next several months of Sunday school? Well, here is a start. Last Sunday's discussion gave us an order for the topics we want to address as a class. Those topics, in the order we will be studying them, are:
Living a disciplined life (prayer, Bible study, worship)
Maturing in our obedience to God, thus glorifying Christ
Forming new relationships with people (evangelism)
Making a difference in our community; serving the needs of our neighbors
Participating in mission activities (international, national, and local)
Caring for one another (intercessory prayer, counsel, service)

Thank you to the members of the class who helped with suggesting ideas. Now let's get to work on putting into practice these actions. Next Sunday (April 5), we will look at the example of Jesus to observe the elements of his disciplined life. For your homework this week, select a chapter from one of the Gospels and read it through twice on each of at least two days. If about thirty people come to class Sunday, we should be able to list a lot of the actions of Jesus that we have observed in our readings.

Remember that on Easter Sunday, the worship service will be held in the Harral Auditorium of Wayland Baptist University. There will be no Sunday school that day. The following Sunday (April 19), Cathy and I will be in Lubbock where I will be teaching a lesson on world religions. I will start right now getting a teacher lined up to conduct the lesson for our class that day.

Pray for me--this is a busy week, er, month. And I will pray for you, too.



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