Sunday, April 27, 2008

Update april 27, 2008

Crystal McDonald still needs a job with a Christian boss and Christian co-workers.

Remember Vickie Wright in your prayers. She is about to move to another facility for more therapy closer to Ruidoso. She had a stroke about a month ago.

Ann Benton (Martha's mom) will probably have surgery this week to have a rod put in her leg.

John Quintana - test run on Monday in Lubbock.

Tracy Hughes - Problems with collarbone.

Tommy Douglas is doing well with his liver transplant and if everything continues to go well should come home the last of may from Dallas, TX.

Please continue to pray for John and Edwin Ward - Health problems.

Please Pray for the family of David Gainer (Dianne Ward's cousin) who died in his sleep Thursday night (had no health problems and was only 51)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Update April 21, 2008

Thank you so much to everyone who pitched in and helped make our Beans and Cornbread Dinner a huge success! Y'all are so good at this - we have it down to a science. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

We raised $1,086 for the Cancer Society last night. How cool is that?

Thanks again!

Sunday's lesson will be Genesis 6-9 about Noah

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Update April 20, 2008

David Walker got into a room (Covenant 966 South) today after they gave him more blood (5 units). Dr. Springer said he is doing good. David looked a lot better after getting into the room and he is eating great.

Continue to pray for Gus Hernandez as he continues his fight with cancer. Please pray for his wife Erma and his two children.
Pray for Justin Rodriquez, as he continues to seek employment, the right job!

Pray for our daughter, Amy, who is getting used to living by herself after her husband has left for Canada and does not intend to come back. She needs strong Christian friends to help her through this time. Joey and Charlotte White

Pray for Cory Kirk (son-in-law of Bill and Judy Davis) who is an Army Ranger in Iraq.

Pray for Roberta Turner (wife of Dr. Steve Turner) who is fighting rapidly progressing Lupus.

Thank the men for the wonderful breakfast.

Please pray for Peggy Whitworth (mother to Worth & Judy Whitworth.

Sunday morning about 5a.m. there was a car wreck between Lockney & Floydada. Two boys from Lockney and three boys from Floydada were involved. The two boys from Floydada were killed ( Tanner Sue SR and Dylan Thomson Freshman in high school. All three boys from Floydada go to FBC there. Please keep both communities in your prayers, and Pray for the youth at Floydada FBC. They are having a hard time dealing with this lost.

Please keep Ed Hatchett in your prayers. (Dianne Ward's Dad) He had a mild stroke wed. and is improving daily.

Keep John and Edwin Ward in your prayers. (Health issues.

Friday, April 18, 2008

David Walker Update

I was just called by David Milstead who told me David Walker is back in surgery. He has a bleeder they are trying to find. Please Pray for David, Jo Carol, and his Doctors.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Update April 17, 2008

David Walker had triple by-pass surgery yesterday. He is in Covenant Hospital on 19th in Lubbock. Please keep him and Jo Carol in your prayers.


Update April 17, 2008

Don't forget our beans and cornbread dinner this Sunday night!

We could still use a couple of volunteers to bring a crock pot full of beans, a batch of cornbread, and/or some brownies. If you want to help out and haven't already signed up, send me an email:

There will not be a service Sunday night, just the meal. I'll be at the church by 5:00 p.m. so you can bring your items to the lower auditorium. We'd like to have everything there no later than 5:30.

See you then!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Larry, my new email address is :cathy.howle@gmail.comPlease delete my current work email address from your list and startsending to my home...Thanks very much, Larry.Cathy Howle

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Update for week of April 13, 2008

Remember April 20, we will have breakfast in the lower auditorium. Men will cook!

Pray that Nathan Ray will find a church home in Tulsa, Ok. (Tom Ray)

Pray for the graduating Srs (Wayland & HS) as they make decisions for their future.

Savannah got hit with a tummy bug again. I am still looking for a job. Cheryl Wilson.

Andy Jackson (Randy's Dad) He is dealing with the declining health of his sister Jewel Bruster in Dallas.

Pray for Randy Jackson, John Coon, and others that are serving as board members for the Optimist Girls softball league as we work to rebuild the program and make positive changes for the girls.

Crystal McDonald still needs a job. Please pray for a Christian boss and coworkers.

Continue to pray for Jonathan Eaves that the right job will be made available in Dallas. We pray for God's will.

Pray for Anthony Wilbanks as he tries to find the right career for him.

Pray that God will provide direction and healing in John and Edwin Ward's lives.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Prayer requests for the week of April 6-12

Pray for the youth who have completed Disciple Now that they would continue to grow in their faith.

Continue to pray for Ester's nephew Jaime Martinez. Pray for God's intervention.

Continue to pray for Ester's family and keep her mother Brenda Martinez in your prayers.

Pray for Relay for Life!

Pray for Randy Jackson, John Coon, and Jonathan Petty as well as others who are serving on the board for the Optimists Youth Softball League.

John Kovacs, son-in-law of Joey and Charlotte White, is having some thyroid problems.

Please keep praying for a job for Cheryl Wilson. The whole family needs your prayers.

Pray for Kris and Sharla, Stacie Hardage's sister and brother-in-law, as they prepare to move to Earth to pastor FBC. Also pray for Kris's dad and their family.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Update April 6, 2008

Charles Mbugua's wife Grace has been offered a scholarship to do graduate work at Biola University in California this summer. In order to make the trip, she must be able to give a guarantee that she will return once she gets there. This is called an "affidavit of support" and it needs to give the assurance of $3,000 available to provide round-trip transportation. With the economy of Kenya in very bad condition, the Mbugua family does not have the funds nor do they anticipate earning that amount of money in the allotted time. Please pray for them that God will provide a guarantor of Grace's travel funding.

Rachel's Update

Our Relay for Life fundraiser is going to be on Sunday night, April 20th. We'll be doing beans, cornbread and brownies. We need at least 10 crockpots of your bestest beans and lots and lots of cornbread. If you want to make a batch of brownies, please cut them into approx. 2" x 2" squares and individually wrap them. We will need some pickles, peppers and sliced onions as well. Volunteers to help with kitchen duty and clean-up would also be greatly appreciated.

I'll have a sign-up sheet for you on Sunday morning. Or, you can email me at and let me know what you can do.

Thanks in advance for all your assistance! I'm always amazed by how well everyone pitches in when we do this and how smoothly it goes.
