Sunday, April 06, 2008

Rachel's Update

Our Relay for Life fundraiser is going to be on Sunday night, April 20th. We'll be doing beans, cornbread and brownies. We need at least 10 crockpots of your bestest beans and lots and lots of cornbread. If you want to make a batch of brownies, please cut them into approx. 2" x 2" squares and individually wrap them. We will need some pickles, peppers and sliced onions as well. Volunteers to help with kitchen duty and clean-up would also be greatly appreciated.

I'll have a sign-up sheet for you on Sunday morning. Or, you can email me at and let me know what you can do.

Thanks in advance for all your assistance! I'm always amazed by how well everyone pitches in when we do this and how smoothly it goes.



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