Thursday, February 28, 2008

Update February 28, 2008

Larry, thanks so much for keeping everyone in the's so nice to know how to pray of our group. Please add our son, Mickey Marshall to the list. He was recently diagnosed with mono. He has to continue to work, and while his boss has been more than understanding and has given him the morning shift, Mic still won't be able to get the complete rest he needs. Please pray that God will multiply what rest he does get and heal him quickly and completely.Thanks,Kayla

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Update for February 27, 2008

Howell Sunday School Class,

Please continue to pray for our granddaughter, Summer Dillard. Her platelets have dropped again to 32 and they had to take her back to Lubbock for another (Vyncristine) infusion today. The medication makes her very sick. Summer was diagnosed with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia (ITP) last May. This has been a very difficult year for their whole family. Naturally, our prayer is that she be healed for His Glory.

Thank you for your prayers.

Glenn and Coralyn Dillard
"Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders: make the most of every opportunity." Colossions 4:5 (NIV).

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Update for February 26, 2008

Thank you for keeping our Flannel Board current. We were not in Sunday school because we were moving Clay, but I have a prayer request. I am doing a Thyrogen test this week. Please pray that the body scans will show that I am still free of cancerous thyroid cells. Also, Crystal is still looking for a job. If it will glorify God, we ask that God will provide a job soon.

Thank you,

Monday, February 25, 2008

Update February 25, 2008

The prayer requests for Ester’s nephew has been answered. Her nephew had been missing for 2 weeks; but yesterday at 9:20 p.m., her mother called to let her know that he had been found and was in the hospital in Laredo. Ester’s brother did not go into details but Jaime got involved with a cult in Laredo. Continue to pray for Ester’s nephew Jaime and her brother. Thank you all for your prayers!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Update for week of February 24, 2008

Pray for Ken and Keeley Lovelace - They are not where they need to be spiritually.

Kimberly Hadley Ricks - Healthy Pregnancy

Drew Christy, student and close friend of the Coon Family, was in a serious accident and in critical condition. Pray for Healing.

Brandi Easterwood - as she battles with high blood pressure and the delivery of her baby within a few weeks.

Nathaniel Rosales - fighting "mono" and needs to rest next week

Wilson family - fighting the flu. Cheryl is looking for a full time job. Also pray for the health issues she is having.

Continue to pray for Gus Hernandez, Mario's brother -in-law. Also pray for Margaret Martinez - Ester's niece.

Pray for Jamime Martinez - Ester's nephew. He has been missing from Zapata, Tx since 2-9-08. Pray for his father and mother. Pray for God to bring him home.

Pray for David Evans to be given strength during his chemo treatments, and for God's healing in his life.

Thank David for bringing us such a treat during Sunday School with his guest and our new friends.

Larry Ward is doing well after surgery.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Update for week of February 10, 2008

Pray for Dr. Estelle Owens whose mother died this week.Mike Egnew and his journey and time in Missouri. Pray that he may be a witness there.The Ruyne family (death of one of their workers)Richard DeSoto sees the eye surgeon in Amarillo on Monday. Pray that it is not serious.The community of Chama NM needs our prayers as they had a bad snow storm which collapsed the roof of the only grocery store in town.Gus Hernandez needs chemotherapy and is resisting it. Continue to pray for healing and that God's grace will comfort him if he continues to decline treatment.Pray for our nation and the upcoming election that someone godly will become the next president.Crystal McDonald needs a job. Please pray for a Christian environment.Pray for Jeff Graves as he interviews for Youth Pastor at a church in Mississippi in two weeks

Pray for David Evans healing.

Pray for a successful surgery for Larry Ward

Be Thankful for God's blessings

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Fw: Updated Pics of Miss Kynleigh(Bill & Judy Davis New Grandaughter

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Fw: New Pics of Kynleigh (Bill & Judy Davis Granddaughter)

Hello to All,
We are all doing good. Kynleigh is such a good baby. She is sleeping really well once we figured out that she loves the swing!! The Pack-N-Play was still just too big for her to feel secure. Everyday she is starting to be more and more alert. I cant wait for you all to meet her!!

Helping your favorite cause is as easy as instant messaging. You IM, we give. Learn more.

Bill & Judy Davis New Granddaughter

Helping your favorite cause is as easy as instant messaging. You IM, we give. Learn more.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Update Feb. 3, 2008

Continue to pray for Gus Hernandez and margaret Martinez - Pray for God's grace over them.

Praise - Ester has been cancer free for two years today!!!

Cheryl - I am searching for a full-time job that will allow me to still go to school.

Sunday School Party changed date to sat.Feb 16 at Tom Ray's house 1214 Amarillo St

Praise - Thank you for your many prayers that you have offered up for my step mother, Barbara. Her platelet count has been up and she has felt so good. Thank you - Doris

Praise - Jonathan has passed his ACSP certification test. Please Pray that he will be able to find a good job in the Dallas vicinity. Thank You - Sally Eaves

Pray for Karla and her brother's family.

Lets act like Christians every day and every hour.

Pray for strangers and help people we do not know.