Sunday, February 10, 2008

Update for week of February 10, 2008

Pray for Dr. Estelle Owens whose mother died this week.Mike Egnew and his journey and time in Missouri. Pray that he may be a witness there.The Ruyne family (death of one of their workers)Richard DeSoto sees the eye surgeon in Amarillo on Monday. Pray that it is not serious.The community of Chama NM needs our prayers as they had a bad snow storm which collapsed the roof of the only grocery store in town.Gus Hernandez needs chemotherapy and is resisting it. Continue to pray for healing and that God's grace will comfort him if he continues to decline treatment.Pray for our nation and the upcoming election that someone godly will become the next president.Crystal McDonald needs a job. Please pray for a Christian environment.Pray for Jeff Graves as he interviews for Youth Pastor at a church in Mississippi in two weeks

Pray for David Evans healing.

Pray for a successful surgery for Larry Ward

Be Thankful for God's blessings


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