Sunday, June 24, 2007

Update for week of June 24, 2007

Pray for Randy Jackson that he may have guidance and direction in his job search.

Pray for Leda DeLung - Cancer treatment and Healing

Pray for Lucy Hatch - Healing

Pray for David Evans - Cancer treatment, and is in the hospital in Lubbock, Tx.

Pray for Beverly Kimbrough - Cancer treatment

Pray for the new music minister and his family ( the Purkey family)

Pray for Wanda Ward (Larry's mother) dementia and declining health

Pray for Edwin Ward (Larry & Dianne's son) mental and physical health

Pray for all who are traveling this summer that they may have safe trips.

Pray for our military who are serving our country.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Sorry this is late, I have been on vacation.

Dear Dr. Howle and Family
I enjoyed your reports from Kenya and I know God truly used each one of you. I pray many will continue to come to know Christ from the message and love you have shared. I know it will continue to grow.
I am now in Granbury, TX where I have now moved back home. I am recovering from having a pacemaker/defib. placed in on May 30th and doing very well. I pray all of you will be blessed and enjoyed the very short time I was there.
In Christ
Deborah Wall

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Update for week of June 10, 2007

Thanks to God for a safe return for Kenya Team #1 and pray for Kenya Team #2

Pray for Lucy Hatch as she recovers from brain surgery.

Pray for the ministries of Banana Hill Baptist Church and Imani Baptist Church.

Job opportunity: Adam Howle in Portland, Oregon - transfer of current job.

Doris McDonald has a heel spur that is very painful. Please pray that treatment takes the pain away.

Crystal McDonald is job searching. please pray for a Christian boss and coworkers.

Pray for Margaret Johnson (cancer treatment)
Pray for David Evans (cancer treatment)

Pray for Timothy Eaves as he prepares to go to work for I.C.E. in Homeland Security.

Pray for Leda DeLung (Bone Cancer)
Pray for Laton Curry (Cancer Treatment)

Pray for Tommy Caldwell and Randy Jackson - Job Search.

Pray for Edwin Ward's mental and physical health.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Update for week of June 3, 2007

Please pray for Lucy Hatch who is having brain surgery.

Pray for Kenya Team #2 that they have a safe trip and are successful doing God's work in Kenya.

Continue praying for Jetta Jackson and her caregivers.

Keep David and Linda Evans in your prayers as he undergoes another week of cancer treatment.

Please keep our military people in your prayers.

Lets all thank God for the blessings we receive.

We are very thankful to the Eaves and McDonalds for sharing their Holy Land trip with us.

Keep Karla McDonald and her mother in your prayers as she has traveled to Colorado to be with her mother during this time of loss. karla's aunt passed away.

Continue to keep Edwin Ward in your prayers.

Please contact me if you have any prayers, praises, or news you would like to share.
My email address is