Sunday, June 03, 2007

Update for week of June 3, 2007

Please pray for Lucy Hatch who is having brain surgery.

Pray for Kenya Team #2 that they have a safe trip and are successful doing God's work in Kenya.

Continue praying for Jetta Jackson and her caregivers.

Keep David and Linda Evans in your prayers as he undergoes another week of cancer treatment.

Please keep our military people in your prayers.

Lets all thank God for the blessings we receive.

We are very thankful to the Eaves and McDonalds for sharing their Holy Land trip with us.

Keep Karla McDonald and her mother in your prayers as she has traveled to Colorado to be with her mother during this time of loss. karla's aunt passed away.

Continue to keep Edwin Ward in your prayers.

Please contact me if you have any prayers, praises, or news you would like to share.
My email address is


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