Sunday, April 29, 2007

Update for week of April 29, 2007

Pray for Wayland students and faculty (Test this week)

Pray for our neighbors across the street who are not Christians. David and Cathy

Pray for JoCarrol who is starting teeth implants Monday - kinda nervous.

Pray for Robert Miller (Richard Miller's Dad - Richard is Pastor of Happy Union Baptist Church) Robert had a heart attack this week.

Pray for a friend of mine, Erin Pedersen, who just learned she has breast cancer for the 2nd time. Joyce

Continue to pray for Edwin Ward ( Larry & Dianne's son) who is suffering with a long bout of depression.

Kathy Painter's mother is a patient at Covenant Hospital - Plainview, Tx

Continue praying for David and Linda Evans.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Update for week of April 22, 2007

Pray for WBU students and faculty as finals begin April 27, 2007.

Pray for David Evans as he starts a new round of chemo this week.

Continue to pray for Jetta Jackson as she continues her battle with brain cancer.

Continued prayer is needed for Randy Jackson in his job search. Pray for the Lord to lead him in the right direction.

Erma Lee Cox is in covenant hospital - plainview. She had a stroke, and is making slight progress.

Margaret Johnson - Taking cancer treatments. (Secretary at Morgan-Eaves Agency)

Marlin Miller - Had surgery - continue to pray ( We think it was a malignant brain tumor)

Pray for Frank Curry - Covenant Hospital Plainview - stroke

To donate to the Chris Willis fund to go to Kenya - make check out to First Baptist Church with attention on envelope for Chris Willis

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Update for week of April 15, 2007

Please pray for David and Linda Evans. David's cancer has returned through out his body. He goes to have a test Monday to see if his heart can take any treatments.

Pray for Charlotte White as she is having body scans Thursday and Friday.

Pray for Sara Howle - pregnancy, and she is waiting for her Master Thesis to be approved.

Casey Richburg has been diagnosed with Lyme's Disease after being ill for 18 months. she has been in the home bound program at school.

Praise - Jeanne Ray, Tom's Mom, received a good report on test on her liver.

Praise- Olga Quintana - dad is doing better. Continue praying for both Mom & Dad.

Larry's email -

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A message from Jo Carrol Walker

could you add my son to the prayer list. bobby-joe patterson. he is applying for a new job. i pray that if its the right job, that he gets it and if it isn't that hell know why. thanks, jo carol

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Update for week of April 8, 2007

Pray for Jeanne Ray (Tom's Mother) has Bell's Palsy

Praise!! Greg & Sara Howle are having a baby in November.

Sylvia Curry (Kayla's Mom) - eye surgery recovery
Frank Curry (Kayla's Uncle) - recovering from a stroke

Conner Davis (Bill & Judy's Son) received a good report in his cancer check-up on Friday April 6, 2007. He will go again in six months.

Edwin Ward (Larry & Dianne's Son) is showing some improvement in his mental health, but still needs your prayers.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A Message from Rachel

Hey Larry!

Can you post this to the Flannel Board today? Thanks!


Thanks in advance to everyone for donating their time, effort and supplies for our Relay for Life Fundraiser.

We hope to see you Wednesday night. Please let your friends and family know about our fundraiser. The price will be the same as the usual Wednesday night dinner - $3.00 per person, $10.00 per family – but we will be accepting donations at that time as well. Serving begins at 5:15.

See you then!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

A Letter forwarded by Ersa Egnew

>Subject: Saturday night in Africa>Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2007 21:22:20 -0000>>Saturday night in AfricaSaturday night in Africa>>>>Dear All,>>>>This afternoon, I went to our church to prepare for the evangelism campaign >tonight. I paired with another church member and we went through the >neighborhood, sharing Christ and inviting people to come tonight to see the >JESUS film. While I was walking down a crowded street, a dog came from >nowhere and quickly bit my leg. I was shocked. Very few dogs out here are >vaccinated and the first thing to pop into my mind was "rabies.">>>>No one wanted to help me, to find out anything about the dog, nor to >intervene. So, I had to limp back to the church and drive myself to the >hospital. After a couple of hours, I was able to see a doctor. Since >nothing is known about the dog and as I have pretty nasty bite, I had to >start rabies shots. These shots are expensive and will go on for 30 days. >I will go back and forth to the hospital to get these.>>>>It is night and I am now back home, but my thoughts are also in Lubbock. >Mother has been the hospital for 12 days and her hip/leg was successfully >repaired after a second break. At this hour, she is being transferred by >an ambulance to the Plaza nursing center. She is still very weak and has >pneumonia. Only the Lord knows how many days He has counted out for her. >But we love her dearly and want to see her healed. I am thankful that my >brother and sister are there to help. I wish that I could also be there to >help.>>>>At this hour also, the JESUS film is being shown in front of our church >here in Africa. I am sure that there are hundreds and hundreds of people >watching it. Do pray that when the altar call is given in a few minutes >from now, that many, many will respond.>>>>Thank you for your love and concern for our family. Please continue to >pray for us all, that God will be powerful in these days.>>>>I send you all our Love,>>David for the family

Update for week of april 1, 2007

Happy Birthday David Howle!!!

Continue praying for Bruce Williams (Tom Ray's brother-in-law) going through a divorce and facing disability.

Cathy Howle is having back pain and needs our prayers.

Pray for Rodolfo and Rita Blanco in the loss of his sister.

Pray for a good turn out for our Relay for Life supper on Wednesday.

Pray for Disciple Now Activities. Pray that many youth from our city and church will be touched by God's presence during this.

Pray for Wanda Ward's health. (Larry's mother) She spends most of her time in bed and is getting weaker. My Dad has a hard time taking care of her. He will be 82 next month.

Continue pray for Edwin Ward that he may have a spiritual healing.