Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Praiseand Prayers from Judy Whitworth

Thought I would update the blog after my doctor’s appointment yesterday.

After extensive testing for possible entry into the SCORE research for central vein occlusion, Dr. Shami said that the swelling in my eye has gone down over 50%. If it continues to improve, I won’t even be eligible for the research but that decision has been postponed two weeks. Vision has not returned enough to depend on this eye totally (my left eye has been caring the weight) but this is exciting news and I appreciate the prayers and loving words from everyone. The concern has always been that this did not happen to my other eye and there are no signs of any problems in that eye but they will continue to monitor both eyes closely for complications of this occlusion. I love you all.

Judy Whitworth

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Update week of 01-28-2007

Pray that Christi Huber gets settled , becomes active in church, and makes good friends.
Pray for the Feast of Plenty

Pray for Jo Lively's son, Bill Steele, who is really struggling over the death of his son.

Pray for Jetta and Andy Jackson.

Pray for Randy Jackson who is suffering with a cold.

Pray for the Mario Rodriquez family.

Praise-Just because Ester was able to wake up to be on time for Sunday School.

Seminars at First Baptist Church - Pray for Cary as he leads his seminar "The Man I want to be" that men of the church will participate and that God will speak as men open their hearts to him.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Larry's Email address

Any prayer request, praises, or anything you would like put on the flannel board please Email me (Larry) at retiredandnursing@cox.net Also if you can send me your email address I wlll email you each time I update the Flannel Board.



Snow Day

Sunday January 21 is a snow day--no Sunday school, only a worship service at 10:00 AM. You can spend the extra hour reading the Bible, praying, and journaling if you would like. Or you could call people from the class who have not been around in a while and see if they have prayer needs.

The lesson for Sunday January 28 (assuming we are not having a blizzard, tornado, or other natural disaster) will be Series 3, Session 2: The New Covenant. The Bible passages are:
  • Jeremiah 31:27-37
  • Matthew 20:1-16
  • John 5:41-47
  • John 6:35-40
  • Romans 11:25-32
  • Hebrews 1:1-2

Here's what it looked like Friday 19th in south Plainview.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Week of Jan. 15-21

Wow, what a weekend! The icy roads kept a lot of people out of church on Sunday. Only the Painters, the Larry McDonalds, and the Howles were able to slide into Sunday school. But we had twelve visitors! Well, ten of them were just orphaned SS members from other classes. But they brought goodies, so we had a nice time.

The group decision was for David to teach the lesson. So it was a review of last week and the introduction to the session on the new covenant. Let's plan on doing the rest of that session this upcoming Sunday.

Send your prayer requests to Larry and he can post them. Please drive (and walk) safely this week!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Update for week of 01-07-07

Continue to pray for Jetta Jackson - Randy's Mom.

Praise - Christi Huber will start school at Wayland tues, has a job, and an apartment.

Praise - Cory Kirk ( Bill and Judy Davis son-in-law )is returning from Iraq on tuesday January 9, 2007.

Alton and Kathy Painter would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, and food, during Alton's recent loss of his mother.

January 14, 2007 Session 2: New Covenant

"Do you believe since the New Covenant that God has changed his mind about the Jewish nation being his chosen people (relacement theology)?" Jeremiah 31:27-37; Matt.20:1-16; John 5:41-47;John 6:35-40; Romans 11:25-32;Hebrews 1:1-2