Monday, November 28, 2005

11/28/05 Urgent

Tom and Linda Ray's daughter, Christy Jolly, had premature labor last Saturday and had to be briefly hospitalized. She has since been released and is resticted to moderate bedrest. As the baby is at only 28 weeks she may have to continue to be confined for the next two months or so. The immediate problem is providing care for her three children, ages 18 months to 5 years. Linda is probably going to go and care for them next week (They live near Gainesville, TX). They need prayers for her and the baby's health, and for the care-givers.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Prayer and Praise for 9/20-9-27

Let's remember that we have several members of our Sunday School group traveling or having folks come in. They need to be covered in traveling mercies.

Randy Jackson's uncle Paul. He recently fell and broke his hip. He had surgery last Wednesday but is having difficulities. He is on a venilator and a feeding tube.

Pat and Blaine Smith ask us to remember Jeana as she is in the process of interviewing for jobs.

Prayers for Cary Catherine and other college students as they travel home for the holidays.

Phil Kenley's dad continues to have heart problems and is in ICU.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Volunteers Needed

You may remember our good intentions of late in regards to building porches, etc? When things fell through we hooked up with members of Evalene McDonald's class who visit some of our church's shut-ins regularly. We asked if anyone needed any special help with their houses.

We have our first project! This Saturday morning we will meet (at 9:00 a.m. - ack!) at Hazel Schwartz' house at 1110 Fresno to rake leaves. Bring your rakes and trash bags! It is a small lot and won't take long. (I know, I know, that's too early in the morning. But look at it this way - you do a good deed and then have the rest of the day to play.)

After that, take pity on David toiling out in the biting wind and blowing dust and go pitch in with Christmas on Columbia. They need people to attach plywood sheets to various and sundry bits of construction. Its not hard - we can do it! (Rumor has it that David will provide a catered dinner, complete with cash give-aways and other door prizes, for anyone who volunteers. He's also providing limo rides too and from the church that day to anyone who wants to work. RSVP to his home phone number any night this week betweent the hours of 12:00 and 2:00 a.m.)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Prayer and Praise for the week of November 6th

First and foremost!! David Evans is in the Hospital - Covenent Lakeside Room 248. He has gotten a fever, possibly an infection from last chemo. He will be there possibly until Friday.


Dianne and Larry Ward's sons, John and Edwin, for their back problems.

Carla's sister in law's father died. Please pray for peace and grace.

Anthony Wilbanks has been sick with a sore throat. He's nervous about going to the doctor because of the language barrier in Korea.

Safe trip for the band and for their marching contest.

Kayla Caldwell has asked us to pray for Mickey Marshall as he makes furture plans.

Jonathan Eaves friend will have cancer surgery on November 22nd.

Frank Saiz has colon cancer. Please pray for him and his family.

Scott Blevins and his family. Also, let's pray for the youth as they make this change and for this adjustment period.


Dianne Ward's sister. Leslie, is home, eatting and planning for the future!!

We are having great weather for the harvest.