Sunday, January 31, 2010

Prayers of the People - January 31, 2010

Prayers of the People:

John Coon - dealing with restrictive lung disease; pray for him and his family as they seek further medical treatments and solutions

Gene Riddlehoover - former mayor of Plainview, suffered a stroke and is in Covenant Hospital Plainview.

Edwin Ward - keep praying; prayers are working! - Larry and Dianne Ward

Upward Basketball - continue to pray for the events as they are a ministry to the community and the players.

Student Ministry - pray as the committee begins planning for the Disciple Now in March.

Everett - Paulette Mannings brother-in-law; continues to make progress on healing; keep praying for his full recovery.

Peter Bowen - will be traveling alone to Kenya on Feb. 12, 2010 to teach a course for three weeks; pray for his safety and time abroad.

Rick Shaw and the Kenya team - pray that they make it back safely and have a speedy adjustment from their jet lag; pray for continued guidance for the team as they debrief from their expeirences in ministry in Kenya.

Beverly Sanders - continues to make a recovery from her surgery

Joe Schiel (Jean DeMerritt's father) - has doctor appointments for upcoming knee surgery; pray he will have a clean bill of health to proceed with the surgery.

David Howle - as he prepares to present the winter bible study to the congregation in Hart; pray that the Spirit has prepared their hearts and that they will be attentive to the message.


Remember - if you have any updates, please send them to me at See you next week!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Prayers and Praises 1/24/2010

This addition of the Flannel Board includes:
Prayers of the People
Praises of the People
Studies in Matthew

Prayers of the People
Caleb Rodriquez - Thank you all for your prayers! Caleb is doing good, lots of pain (thank God for meds)!

Those of you who know Caleb, this will be funny to you:

The procedure was done in the office, as the nurse asked him to lay down to inject some medicine, he quickly tells me:
"Mom, tell Justin I love case I don't make it!"

He survived and did not think it was FUNNY when I told him the tubes were a pretty PINK color and when the doctor played along!

Continue to pray for healing! ester

John Coon - prayer for health

The People of Haiti - continue to pray for the country and those who are there to provide humanitarian aid.

Beverly Sanders - gall bladder surgery last Wednesday; it was more involved as there was a tear in teh stomach which was repaired. Continue to pray for healing.

Gary Elliot Family - Gary passed away this week at 59 years old.

Rick Shaw and the Mission Team - as they prepare to travel; currenlty unrest in Nairobi.

Peter Bowen - as he prepares to head to Kenya to teach for Wayland; pray for safety in his travel to Brackenhurst and KBTC campus.

Kip McDonald - called to serve in Haiti with the military

Everette Boyce - I just received notice that my Brother-in Law, Everette Boyce, Methodist minister in Bandera, TX, was involved in a motor cycle accident yesterday. He is in critical condition and in intensive care at University Hospital in San Antonio. He has a brain hemorrhage, bleeding kidney, multiple face and head fractures and lacerations, and 6 broken ribs. Please pray for him, his wife (who is Paulette’s sister), their children, and other relatives.
Thank you for your concern and prayers.
Gary Manning


Praises of the People:
Ms. Ward - nominated for a Values in Action Award for Excellence through the Covenant Health Systems (60 of us out of 5000 employees)


Studes of the Parables in Matthew 13:24-30, 37-43, and 47-50

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ester Rodriquez - Prayer Request

Ester requests the following prayers. I have not heard how the proceedure went yesterday.

Caleb is having tubes, again, in both ears tomorrow (Tueday, January 19) at 11am. The eardrum on the right side does not have any movement and his hearing is not good. Dr. Winter hopes a larger and different type of tube can help.

Continue to keep Caleb, Justin (& his family) and myself in your prayers.

Thank you all!
Ester Rodriquez

Monday, January 18, 2010

Kenya Missions - Update 3

Dear colleagues:

Our Kenya Mission Team has almost come to the half-way point of this January 2010 mission. Dr. Don Raney and Reverend Matt Baird (Raney of Petersburg and Baird of Hart) have departed, and have arrived safely in Texas. Daniel Brown and Kelsey Beggs have received their bags, which traversed a quite circuitous route from Lubbock to Nairobi, through Great Britian, France, Madagascar, and other countries. Daniel Brown is like a new man, in almost girlish glee that he has retrieved his clothes.

The mission work continues at the Christlike Academy of the Imani [Faith] Baptist Church in Karanjee, about three kilometers from where our Wayland Kenya Program conducts classes. Josh Williams and Cameron Harper, though young, are clearly experienced carpenters, and have built 37 tables and 54 benches. Ashley Beggs, though a first-timer, fits into the team well, and clearly has experience in furniture building (I believe this experience was gained at Plains Baptist Assembly in Floydada.)

I call upon Kelsey Beggs to assist me in MANY ways, oftening managing the others when I am engaged in Wayland and Baptist Convention of Kenya business. Kelsey continues to demonstrate solid leadership and a cross-cultural sensitivity rarely seen. I am thankful for her, and admire her tenacity and flexibility.

Today, I was invited to visit one of the clients of the Imani Shade Ministry. This woman, who is HIV+, is a delightful "soso" (elderly woman) who has given birth to nine children. Five of these nine are deceased--all due to AIDS. Lucy is raising her two youngest children, and four grandchildren, in a room the size of my office at Wayland in Plainview. I asked Kelsey to accompany me on the visit (it is always essential when a white man visits a Kenyan woman to have another woman with him.) I also requested that Shadrach participate with me in the home visit; Shadrach is the Associate Pastor of the Imani Baptist Church.

When we finally reached this "soso"'s home, we were welcomed with warm embraces, delighted greetings, and great to-do. We entered the dark and dank place, to be seated in a room with wall-to-wall furniture. The old woman had made porridge for us, akin to blueberry MaltoMeal. As the soso poured porridge into metal cups from a bright orange thermos, I chuckled to myself, knowing that Kelsey has great difficulty with this uniquely Kenyan food. Kelsey tells me, "I have difficulty drinking something of that consistency."

In time, the dying Kenyan woman told us of her request, that before she dies, she wishes to record songs that the LORD has given to her--songs in Kiswahili, songs in Kikuyu, and songs in English. She is convinced that these 80 songs are divinely inspired, and she has written them all down. "Daktari Shaw, might you help me?" Unsure of how to respond, I queried the Kenyan woman and Associate Pastor Shadrach just how this might be accomplished. Rather ignorant of the process, the Kenyans looked at me and said, "After we record these songs, might you sell the CDs to old women in the USA, who would be encouraged that the LORD can use a dying Kenyan woman, and that God has a kingdom purpose for them, as well?"

As in so many mission situations, this conversation will lead to many others, and I told the soso and Shadrach that we will converse and inquire of others, and we will return, before our departure to the US at the end of January.

All through the visit, I noticed a young man seated beside the Kenyan woman. After the course of the conversation about a cappela songs by a dying Kenyan woman, I was ready to move on to this reserved fellow.

"Jina lako ni nani?" I asked the young man.

"Jina lango James," he responded.

The young chocolate-colored Kenyan responded by telling me that he was the youngest son of the old woman. 21 years old, James did not attend high school, and seven years ago, completed the eighth grade--primary school in Kenya.

I pursued the conversation by asking James, "What do you do?"

After more than thirty seconds of silence, the young Kenyan, out of shame and confusion, quietly uttered, "Hakuna," [nothing].

Utterly confused, I foolishly probed. "Hakuna?"

James reticently told me of three months of work in Mombasa as a conductor boy for a lorry driver. "But then the driver put me on the outside."

As our visit came to a close, I told the Kenyan woman that we would return in about one week's time. I invited James to come with us. On our walk to a nearby restaurant, James and I continued the conversation. In the end, I made a decision to hire this young man for one day, at a rate of 300 Kenya shillings, to determine if he can work, or not. All the while, I debated in my mind something that my Dean, Dr. Paul Sadler, has taught me--the law of unintended consequences.

So, tomorrow we shall see. I continue to struggle through the processing of the fact that 80% of Kenyan men between the ages of 18 and 25 are unemployed, idle, filled with despair and energy, though without an outlet to expend either. Dr. Don Ashley, my very good friend teaching here from Wayland's Anchorage campus, comments, "Sounds like a political powder keg."

As we work with all that we have and know to be the presence of Christ and to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus among these precious people, what do we offer someone like James? When I offered this young Kenyan man a job for one day, the sparkle of hope in his eyes was a clue to part of the answer.

Thank you for your support and prayers.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

January 17, 2009 - Prayers, Commnets, Etc.

In this edition of the Flannel Board:
Prayers of the People
Haiti Earthquake - Texas Baptists


Prayers of the people:

Shelly Walker - step-grandmother has cancer, other grandmother is elderly and not doing well.

Haiti Earthquake - pray for the peole who live in Haiti as well as the missionaries and samaritains who are assisting the needey during this time of crisis. In particular pray for Steve and Nancy James and their medical mission in Haiti. They have been in ministry since 1983 and live 100 miles north of Pourt Au Prince.

Kallie Dixon - daughter of Don and Marcia, lost her job at Trust Point hospital due to budget cuts and they put the trainee in her place. Kallie has been demoted and placed under the trainee at part-time with less pay. She is worried about her finances going forward.

Edwin Ward - pray for The Wards that they may gain strength to continue to cope with their son.

Matt Chandler - pastor of the Villiage Church in Lewisville - has a malignant brain tumor and is in his mid-30s. Has three small children.

Sarah - a young woman living in rebellion - pray that God will bring her back in harmony with her parents and God's will.

Beverly Sanders - scheduled for gall-bladder surgery this week.

Kenya missions


Haiti Earthquake
Want to assist with the Haiti Earthquake crisis? Give to the Texas Baptists at

Friday, January 15, 2010

Week of 1/10/2010 - Prayers, Homework, and Kenya Updates

Prayers of the People
Sunday School Recap and Next Weeks Text
Kenya Updates 1/10 and 1/13


Prayer requests for the week:
Tom Ray and Family - his mother passed away on 1/10. Funeral was scheduled for this week.

Kenya Mission Team - made it; however, delayed by 12-14 hours! Pray for the following participants:
Dr. Don Raney - FBC Petersburg
Rev. Matt Baird - FBC Hart (?)
Josh Williams
Cameron Harper
Kelsy and Ashley Beggs
Daniel Brown
Dr. Don Ashley - Wayland Faculty teaching this term
Dr. Richard Shaw - leading the team and doing administrative work for WBU

Matt Chandler - pstor of the Villiage Church in Lewisvill - has a malignant brain tumor and is in his mid-30s. Has three small children.

Sarah - a young woman living in rebellion - pray that God will bring her back in harmony with her parents and God's will.

Edwin Ward - continue to pray for his mental health.

Judy Whitworth - looking for a job in East Texas

Greg and Sara Howle - Pray for travel to California this week to visit his brother Adam. Also pray for their long journey back to Austrilia with a 5-month old child.

Blake Gloyna - young man in Hale Center that was in a gun accident - pray for healing and a quick recovery - will be a long road.


From this weeks lesson - Consider what it means to be an ambasodor to Christ - II Cor. 5:16-21; I John 3:16-20

Text and Title of lesson for 1/17/2010:
Matthew 13:10-17 and 21:33-43
We are going to hear the Winter Bible Study this month!


Kenya Update:

Greetings to all:

Our mission team will be fully engaged in renovation work of the "Christlike Academy" in Karanjee, Kenya. Dr. Don Raney, one of our mission team members and pastor of the FBC of Petersburg, TX, made the comment last night that were this school in the USA, it would be condemned. Our team members are very excited about the work.

All of the bags, save one, arrived last night.

We are attempting to locate, with the assistance of British Air and Virgin Atlantic Air, Daniel Brown's one bag.

Kelsey and Ashley Beggs were originally scheduled to arrive late this evening into Nairobi. Their flight to London was canceled, so they have been rerouted through Paris. They are to arrive tomorrow, Tuesday, at 6 AM.

The worship at the Imani Baptist Church was a rousing African worship experience yesterday. Dr. Don Raney preached the sermon around the motif of "Grasshoppers and Eagles" (Isaiah 40.31).

Please pray for the mission work today. Pray for the children who will use this school, all of whose mothers are HIV+. Pray that Daniel Brown's bag will be located and retrieved. Pray that Kelsey and Ashley will arrive safely tomorrow.

Thank you for your tremendous, continual support.


Rick Shaw

Kenya Update:

Dear family, colleagues and students:

The Wayland Mission Team has finally hit their stride in the mission work here in Kenya. Josh Williams (freshman) and Cameron Harper are skilled carpenters, and working alongside Ashley Beggs and Kelsey Beggs, are turning out tables, benches, and chairs for the AIDS orphans' school, the Christlike Academy. Pastor Linus Kirimi is thrilled with the progress.

Dr. Don Raney, Rev. Matt Baird, and Daniel Brown (Admissions and husband of Dr. Kim Brown), have almost completed the painting of the entire structure. They paint alongside Kenyans Patrick (whom I had the privilege of leading to Christ 18 months ago, and baptizing one year ago), Humphrey, Maureen, and Mary.

I believe that the new missionaries to Kenya are discovering the value of establishing relationships. The three men yesterday ventured out in the neighborhood, and were invited to Kenyan tea. Later yesterday, they visited Associate Pastor Shadrach and his wife Mary, and their new baby, Ezra. In our processing/debriefing session last night, Rev. Baird told me, "Dr. Shaw, I believe that the relational aspect of mission may be just as important as the 'work' part of the mission." Hmmmmm. . . . .

The two Kenyan children nearest my heart are reportedly doing alright. Njogu and Margaret, both of whom are HIV+, are continuing to take their ARV medications, and are in school. Both of these little ones are aware of their status, and tragically cognizant of the gravity of it. Though both have exhibited signs of advancing HIV, they are, at best, poignantly childlike, playing and running, and giggling and smiling. They live with seeming freedom, and I am thankful that the heinous, pernicious virus living and growing in them, remains thwarted at this time.

Please pray for . . .

1. the recovery of Daniel Brown's bag, which he has not seen since last Thursday at the Lubbock Airport.
2. the continuing safety and security of our team.
3. that the witness of our team brings glory to the Risen LORD.

Your faithful servant,


Sunday, January 03, 2010

Prayers and Praises of 1/3/2009

It was great to be in Sunday School this morning! Hope to see everyone back in the routine by next week! Here are the prayers and praises that we shared:

Blake Gloyna - 17 year old Hale Center youth (grandson of Dr. Dick DeLung) had a hunting accident on Friday. He has experienced a gun shot to his lower leg. Vascular surgeons hope they were able to repair the damage. Blake is scheduled to have two titanium rods in the bones on Monday.

Edwin Ward - son of Larry and Dianne - pray for his mental health.

Matt Chandler - pastor is Lewisvill - Higland Village; discovered malignant brain tumor and will begin chemotherapy this week.

James and Tammy Frasier - as his treatments continue

Mike Melcher - as he heals from his car accident.

Greg, Sara, and Zaylyn Howle - as they travel back to California and then back to Australia later this week.

Annette's Dad - came to visit her over the Christmas season. Pray for his safety as he drives back home.

Holly McDonald (don't know the married name) - expecting child in early Arpil.

Coralyn Dillard - at the birth of her granddaughter.

Tom Ray's Mom - adapting well to her new surroundings!

Remember that the regular programming schedule for all church activities begins this Wednesday. Also, watch for your Crusader and the different studies on Sunday evenings in the chapel!