Sunday, August 30, 2009

Update August 30, 2009

Please Pray for our students (public and university) as they begin the new school year.

Continue to Pray for James Frazier.

Lynette's older brother had a stroke and continues to have high blood pressure. Pray for Tim Walker's physical and spiritual health.

Jane Hobgood has been diagnosed with cancer and will need radiation and chemotherapy.

Karla asked for Prayer for a young couple with a child suffering from a liver disorder. The boy's name is Nathan.

Women's group traveling to Glorieta over Labor Day weekend to do sewing projects and enjoy fellowship.

Pray that Crystal McDonald will get a job with Christian workers and a Christian boss.

Pray for Grady Murry.

Keep David and Linda Evans in our Prayers.

Pray for Edwin Ward's mental health and life changes he is going through.


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