Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Update July 15, 2009

I arrived in Grand Forks last night about 11:30 p.m. after a LONG day of flying cross country. Great news! Chris went back for another gastropscope yesterday morning and the surgeon cauterized the ulcer this time. It is a duodenal ulcer (in the small intestine, right below the stomach). He had a total of 6 units of blood altogether. The last two H & H have been the same 9.4/28.2, so we're pretty sure that he's not loosing any more blood. If he stablizes for 24 hours, they will let him go home tomorrow.

I didn't know this before today, but Chris is on the oncology floor. He has an oncologist assigned to him and the doctor is pretty sure that the ulcer is benign. I'm guessing that they have biopsied it to be certain.I think the last time I talked you, we thought he was out of the woods, then his Hemagolbin bottomed out again. Keep your fingers crossed that this time he's good to go!



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