Sunday, July 12, 2009

Update July 12,2009

Dianne/Larry, Yesterday evening about 6:00 p.m. we received a phone call from my daughter-in-law, Carol. She was on her way to the emergency room. Our son, Chris, who is in the Air Force (the one that just got back home from oversees) has been throwing up blood since about 5:00 p.m. yesterday afternoon. When Carol got home from work, she wanted to take him to the emergency room, but Chris wanted to take a bath first. He passed out in the shower and begin having seizure like activity. He would not respond to her so she called 911. She had to find childcare for her kids first and then she called me on her way to the emergency room.

His B/P was 70/50 when he arrived in the emergency room. I'm sure they bolused him with I.V. fluid. He remembered being in the shower and the next thing he knew he was in the ambulance. His hemaglobin came back at 10.3 the first draw. An NG tube was also inserted, but that didn't last very long. They must have put in the biggest one they had because he couldn't tolerate it very well. This morning, his hemaglobin had dropped to 9.4, so they gave him a unit of blood then took him for a gastroscope. He does have a bleeding ulcer and severe gastritis. Following a liquid diet this afternoon he began having dark tarry diarrhea. This evening, the hemaglobin was down to 8.7, so another unit has been infused. He's not out of the woods yet, but at lease he's talking to us. He says he feels pretty drained. He bruised his shoulder when he collapsed in the shower. They think he hit the faucet on his way down.

I did learn that Chris has been taking Aleve or Motrin almost every day for joint pain. He is very active and involved in numerous intramural sports. Plus we have a lot of Arthritis in our family. I'm pretty sure it was the naproxen/ibuprofen that did it, not to mention all the stress he's been under. Anyway, thank you for your prayers. I have a group of close friends that have been praying for him since last night. I didn't think about the flannel board until now. It is not necessary to put ALL of this on the flannel board. I just wanted you to know so that you could ask the SS class to pray for Chris and Carol. Carol is running a fever this afternoon and is exhausted.

Coralyn Dillard

Nancy Potter 6951 Rivera Dr Avon In 46123
This is Annette Coon's mom's address. She is in a nursing home now and holding her own. Please keep Praying that God's will be done.

Continue to Pray for David Evans and his wife Linda.

Pray for the Claude Lusk family. His Mother passed away, Barbara Lusk.

Pray for three kids who came to Christ at camp.


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