Sunday, June 21, 2009

Update June 21, 2009

Nancy Potter will be having a biopsy this week sometime to determine the status of the three tumors. Due to her condition she is not eligible for chemo or radiation, so we hope one of the masses has the option of surgery. So please Pray for comfort and peace of mind.

Pray for Tom Ray as he has been making transition to nursing home for his mother. Pray for her and the family.

Praise that our class party was very enjoyable and Thank You to the Eaves for hosting.

Pray for Judy and Worth Whitworth as they make the move to east texas.

Keep Praying for Karla, Kip, and Holly as the continue to tour Italy by backpack.
Continue to Pray for Mary, Karla's mother.

Please Pray for Edwin, Larry and Dianne's youngest son, as he has many problems in his life.

Pray for friends of the Howle's, the Landuskys and family with health issues.

Pray for Tim Eaves and his sinus troubles he is having now.

Continue to Pray for David Evans and his wife Linda.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Update June 14, 2009

Pray for Karla, Kip, and Holly as they backpack in Italy. Pray for Karla's mother Mary.

Pray for David Milstead's daughter Delisa as she continues to grieve.

Praise - Dianne and Larry's youngest son Eddy has a Christian witness in his life.

Praise - Austraila mission trip went well and all are back safely.

Praise - Cary Catherine and Ryan are now happily married.

Pray for Crystal McDonald to find a job with a Christian boss and coworkers.

Pray for Jennifer Staj who has just had twin girls. They now have three girls.

Sunday School eat out at Sally and Cary Eaves house (3304 W. 18th St) friday night June 19 at 7:00 p.m.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Update June 7, 2009

Pray for Annette Coon's mother (Nancy Potter) in ICU in Indiana. Thomas made it to Indiana in time to be able to help.

Continue to Pray for the Austriala Mission.

Oue Sunday School Class will be providing snacks (breads. donuts, snacks, etc.) for the hospitality room on tuesday June 16th.

Pray for Janet Bonthe and family

Continue to Pray for David Evans.

Remember Karla McDonald and family especially her mother Mary during transition.

Contine to Pray for the Youth Group

Praise for the Rain.