Sunday, May 24, 2009

Update May 24, 2009

Please continue to Pray for Jamie Coon (John's brother) as he awaits hearing about a job here in Plainview, Tx.

Pray for Sally and Cary Eaves as they travel for their daughter's wedding on May 29th and the wedding events.

Pray for Rick Shaw to continue to recover and for him to relax.

Pray for Linda and David Evans as they have some difficult decisions to make.
Pray for David as his cancer has returned.

Pray for James Fraizer as he begins his treatments for cancer.

Pray for the Mcdonalds - Karla had to put her mother (Mary) in a nursing home.
Pray for Holly who has had surgery.

Pray for Olga's Dad's recovery.
Pray for Debbie - miscarriage and healing

Pray for Ester and her family.

Pray for Brent Mink - wife passed away last Monday (Walmart Driver)

Pray for David and Cathy's daughter-in-law Sarah

Pray for traveling mercies for Tom and Linda Ray as they will be in different part of the country May 30-June 12

Pray for David Julian - cancer treatment - Covenant Lubbock, Tx

Pray for Ray Daffern - health issues.

Praise - Cory Kirk (Bill & Judy's son-in-law) is back from Afghanistan!

Praise - Bill & Judy's daughter (Kelsey) got engaged to a nice young man!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Urgent Update

Rick Shaw has had a heart attack today and has been taken to Covenant - Lubbock.
Please Pray for Rick and his family.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Update May 17, 2009

Pray for Jeremy & Kathy Harris for guidance and encouragement.

Pray for Jamie Coon and his family in consideration for moving and a clear direction.

Pray for David Milstead's brother's recovery from Lyme disease - Branson, Mo.

Pray for David Julian - hospital

Pray for David Evans health. Heart Disease - Covenant - Lubbock, Tx

Pray for Paula Williams - Hospital

Pray for Ruth Williams - Hospital - serious.

Praise Larry Ward's Dad's birthday - 84 years

Pray for Karla McDonald's mother - serious health problems.
Kip McDonald is being discharged from the Navy

Cathy Howle's aunt Betty did have her cornea transplant. Thank You for all your Prayers.

Continue to have Ester Rodriquez and family in your Prayers.

Pray for students and teachers as they finish this school year.

Ruth Williams is back at Westridge Manner as of Saturday - note from Phylis Wall

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Update May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day.

Everyone must be doing great, only one Prayer request.

Pray for our high school graduates as they enter the next phase of their careers.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Update May 3, 2009

Pray for Jamie Coon to have safe travels and clear guidance of God's will.

Pray for Bobby Griffen (neighbor of John and Annette Coon) who is battling cancer for the fourth time.

Pray for our High School students as they deal with gang activity and other issues.

David Julian - cancer - Pray for healing and strength as he undergoes Chemo.

Pray for Roy Daffern ( Pat Smith's Dad ) health concerns.

Crystal McDonald still needs a job. She had gallbladder surgery on April 27th. She is doing well.