Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Relay on Friday May 1, 2009

Hey everyone!

Thanks for coming through once again on Sunday night with the beans and cornbread! It went well, even though our turnout was light. We ended up collecting $465.

The relay will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Friday night. It will be held at the practice field just east of Bulldog Stadium. It probably has a name, but I don't know what it is. Just drive down W. 24th street and you'll see it. We registered for a campsite somewhere on the northeast side of the field. The actual site won't be assigned until Friday, so look for us when you get there.

We have a tent, but the relay is not providing tables this year. You'll need to bring lawn chairs and if you have a card table or something similar, bring it along. There will be some food available for purchase from some of the other teams at the relay, as well as fundraisers and games. Don't forget a jacket and/or blanket and bug spray. Games/cards/dominoes are always cool.

Our team doesn't have a banner. If you're the banner type and want to volunteer - we could use a sign with our team name on it to post at our campsite.

Basically, just bring anything you'd want at a campout. Except matches. We will have electricity available, but bring your own extension cord if you're bringing something that needs to be plugged in.

See you Friday night!


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Update April 26, 2009 - Prayer Request

Jamie Coon - Prison interview and moving here from Ohio.

D. Robert Harvey Family. D. Robert died in a car wreck while on duty saturday night. He has two young children. He is the nephew to Jean's sister - Holly

Faith while expreriencing depression.

Pray for Wayland students and faculty as they finish classes and start finals this week.

Tim Eaves starts his new job in Dallas with Homeland Security in the I.C.E. Division assigned to the "Gang" unit. Please Pray for his safety.

Praise! Ben and Delina Egnew sold their house in New York and will be moving to Vermont soon. Thanks for your prayers.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Update April 10, 2009

The Beans and Cornbread Fundraiser for the Relay for Life Team will be at 6:15 p.m. on Sunday, April 26th. If you can help with a crock pot of beans or some cornbread, please contact Rachel at spookyrach@gmail.com or 296-1852. There will also be a sign-up list for food and servers/clean-up crew next Sunday.


Update April 10, 2009

The Beans and Cornbread Fundraiser for the Relay for Life Team will be at 6:15 p.m. on Sunday, April 26th. If you can help with a crock pot of beans or some cornbread, please contact Rachel at spookyrach@gmail.com or 296-1852. There will also be a sign-up list for food and servers/clean-up crew next Sunday.


Sunday, April 05, 2009

Update April 5,2009

Pray for students and teachers as we approach the TAKS test.

A Wayland student named Adam Maddox lost his grandfather to a rattlesnake bite (Friday April 3, 2009)

Crystal McDonald still needs a job with a Christian boss and coworkers.

Ersa Egnew is still having trouble with fainting. Please Pray for her.

Troy Manning is searching for a job. Please Pray for Troy and Crystal in their job search.

Please Pray for our teacher as he leads us in our journey with Christ.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Update April 3, 2009

Our class is putting together a team for the Relay for Life, which will be held on May 1st.

If you are interested in participating, please email Rachel Petty at spookyrach@gmail.com. We'll add you to the team roster and get your t-shirt ordered. You don't have to do commit to doing a lot of walking to be a member. Just come and join us for part or all of the evening on May 1st. We always have a great time laughing and learning more about each other at this event. If you know of people outside our class who'd like to be a part of the team, they are more than welcome.

We need to raise $100 for the entry fee. This Sunday we'll take donations, so if you'd like to contribute to that, come prepared!

Once again we'll be doing our tried and true Beans and Cornbread fundraiser. As soon as the date is set, we'll let you know. Anyone and everyone that can help by preparing a crock pot of beans or some pans of cornbread would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for all your help!