Sunday, January 25, 2009

Update january 25, 2009

Continue to Pray for Rick Shaw and our Wayland students in Kenya.

Kip starts 1 phase Monday.
Cory Kirk (Judy and Bill Davis' son-in-law) deploys to the Middle East this week. Please Pray for him and his wife and baby. Thanks

Cathy Howle's aunt Betty Ruinhard is waiting for cornea transplant.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Update January 18,2009

(Olga) Continued Prayers for Tracy and Baby for the next four weeks.
(Olga) Continued Prayers for my brother for the loss of his wife.

Pray for David Milstead - He will have IVIG tues. &wed. of this week and mon., tues.,&wed. of next week.Please Pray that he has no side effects and does what it's suppose to do.

Please Pray that Crystal McDonald will find a good computer job.

Please Pray for Wendell & Pat Blankinship that they have a total recovery from their surgeries.

Pray for Rick Shaw and his team in Kenya.

Monday, January 12, 2009



Please add these to the prayer list.

Thanks for the prayers for my father, Roy Daffern. I believe his surgery went as well as could be expected. He will be seeing another doctor later this week to make sure the melanoma has not spread further. Please continue to pray for his health.

Please also pray for Blaine’s mother, Jean Smith. Her condition is rapidly getting worse. Pray for her health and for Blaine and his sister as they will be faced with difficult decisions.

Thanks, Pat Smith

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Update January 11, 2008

My aunt in San Antonio, Betty Reinhard, is awaiting for a cornea transplant. She will need prayers for this special need.

Tonei - Tom Chatam - Cancer treatment

Pray for Danny Andrews

Crystal McDonald has a job at Steinmart. This week they layed off some people and reduced her hours to 9 for next week. Please Pray that she finds a computer job to use the skills she learned at school.

Diane McAvinch- David Milstead's sister was placed in a rehab center in Conroe. She is recovering from 2 broken ankles, broken shoulder, and chipped vertibrea in her neck.

Pray for David Milstead as he is to undergo a very difficult treatment.

Pray for Rick Shaw and all that went to Kenya.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Update for week of January 4, 2009

Pat Smith’s dad, Roy Daffern, will have surgery to remove a cancerous growth on his ear tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. He has some heart issues that could be a problem. Please pray that all will go well.

Blaine Smith’s mom is not doing well. Please pray for her and the family.

Doris McDonald’s ex-sister-in-law, Lori, is having a lot of stress in her life. Her mom was diagnosed with liver cancer Christmas Eve. Even with chemo (which she started today), the doctor told her that it was fast growing and that she probably has a year or two to live. Lori lost her dad in 2001 with cancer. Today (Monday), Lori will go with her husband, Jim, to a doctor’s appointment. His arms have been numb and they haven’t found out why. Please pray that a correct diagnosis will be made and that treatment will be simple. Also, he has had radiation on his throat from previous surgery, and he has no sense of sweet, salty, or sour. He only tastes bitter, so he doesn’t want to eat. He is 56 and a non-smoker. All three believe there is a God, but do not attend church. Please pray that Lori will have God’s peace and that godly people will attend to their needs.

Keep Kip McDonald in your Prayers as he starts Navy Seal training this week.

Pray for Rick Shaw and the Wayland students traveling with him to Kenya. They will return February 1, 2009. Pray that they will have a safe trip and much success doing God's work there.