Sunday, December 28, 2008

Update December 28, 2008

Praise - Nancy Potter (Annette Coon's Mother) is doing better, but still needs prayer.

Praise - Jonathan Eaves has a new job. He starts today as a personal trainer at the Life Time in Mansfield.

Pray for Danny Andrews - healing after surgery.

Tracy Rosales - continued prayer through the rest of the pregnancy.

Praise - I am doing better after surgery. Prayer - I will have a long recovery. Pray that I do not reinjure myself. Larry Ward Also thank you for your prayers

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Update December 7, 2008

Pray for those traveling during the holidays.

Pray for Missie and Jenny Goens as they go to Haitie for mission work.

Pray for Nancy Potter - Annette Coon's mother is in the hospital.

Pray for Dianne Ward's cousin's daughter who was in a car wreck and is parilized from the neck down.

Continue to Pray for David Howle's healing.

Thanks to everyone who has prayed for me. Larry Ward

Have a great week.