Sunday, August 31, 2008

Update for week of August 31, 2008

Thanks for praying for all the Egnews, Michael played his first game at Missouri University! Egnews

Continue prayers for Tracy & Baby for good pregnancy. Olga Quintana

David Evans was hospitalized last week, but test for bone cancer were negative. He is back home this week.

Please Pray for John Ward's recovery. He had two back surgeries this past week. Larry & Dianne Ward

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Update August 24, 2008

Pray for Jeanne Ray, Tom's Mom. She was in the hospital last week.

Pray for all of our students, teachers, and parents as the new school year starts tomorrow.

Pray for Jo Carol Walker and Jerrod Burknett.

Pray for Tami Manning - Job interview on Wednesday.

Please pray for my sister, Pam - business negotiations in buying out a practice. She is a Doctor. Pat Smith

Please pray for Ashley Hardage. She starts this morning as Music Minister at FBC Earth.

Praise - Clay McDonald will graduate Thursday with the Secret Service. Please Pray for travel mercies for us as we go to the ceremony. David & Doris

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Message from Rick Shaw

Fellow class members:

Vincent Moyaka, the children’s minister with whom we worked while in Kenya, has a dream, i.e. to attend Wayland Baptist University in Kenya. He has spoken with me about this. We have prayed together. David and I have discussed this, as well.

Each of you knows the tremendous value of education; many of you recognize the value of education in the developing world.

In order for Vincent to be admitted to WBU-Kenya, he must take the SAT examination. The cost of that in Kenya is 5000 KSH (approximately $74.02 at the current conversion rate).

I realize this request is above that of the teacher we discussed Sunday. If you feel led to help Vincent with this test fee, please contact me. Thank you for your compassion.

Christ’s power


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Update August 17, 2008

Pray for school teachers,wayland faculity and staff, and students. Tom

Our friend Beth from Lubbock received her last chemo treatment last week. Pray that the cancer is gone and will not return. Howles

Please keep the Wilsons in prayer. Randy was diagnosed with high blood pressure and Cher was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. We are also looking for a new house. I do praise God for all he is doing in our lives. Cher

We pray for the newest Kenya oephan, Eunice. Her mother died of aids on thursday. Rick

Continued prayer for Richard, Tracy, and Baby that things will continue to be alright. Difficulty with pregnancy. Olga and John

Let us all put Christ first in our lives.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Update August 10, 2008

Pray for Wayland students and faculty as we begin the fall semester. Tom Ray

Pray for what direction our class needs to go - our witness to Plainview.

Clay McDonald has a Big test Monday. This will determine whether or not he will continue to be in training for the Secret Service.

Pray for Chelsea Ward as she is recovering from an overian cyst. Also Pray for Edwin Ward - mental health issues. His brother John Ward is having back surgery August 27, 2008. Larry and Dianne Ward

Remember to lift Jo Carol Walker up in Prayer as she is facing surgeries in the near future.

We are all thankful to have David Howle as our Sunday School teacher and friend

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Update August 7, 2008

This Sunday we will continue our study of women in the Bible. We will be in the New Testament (finally!) looking at Mary, the mother of Jesus. Scripture readings are taken from Luke 1-2 and John 19:25-27. We are nearing the end of our study, so be thinking about what you would like us to examine next.

The following Sunday (August 17), our class has been asked to provide side dishes and cook hamburgers on the grill for the university students after the worship service. We will be in the pavilion, so you might want to bring some shorts to change into! We will discuss the details next Sunday.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Update August 4, 2008

Smiles to everyone!

If you have not already heard, Mario's BIL, Gus Hernandez passed away 7-24-08. We want to thank everyone for your prayers. I want to let everyone know that in May 08, I was able to witness to Gus and he did let me know that he was ready and that he knew JESUS!

Please continue to pray for those that he has left behind.

Thanks again for your many prayers!


Sunday, August 03, 2008

Update August 3, 2008

Pray for Rick's family as they grieve the death of his uncle, Glen Fuller - Martha Shaw

Please Pray for my mom Lois White. She had two strokes and the Doctors say there is nothing more they can do. Thank You - Candy Waller

David Howle's cousin, Diane Adair, has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Please put her in your prayer time. Her Mom is Jo Lively. The Howle's

Our friend in Lubbock,Beth Perry, is almost finished with Chemo. She is now losing her fingernails. Continue to Pray for her.

Praise of the return of Kenyanians.

Please pray for JoCarrol Walker and David. Jo Carrol has two more surgeries coming up. david has lost his job and needs another.

Please continue to Pray for Larry & Dianne's two sons. Edwin has mental health issues, and John is scheduled to have two back surgeries the last of August.