Monday, January 28, 2008

Correction to update of January 27, 2008

Larry,Karla's prayer request was for Gary's children and GRANDCHILDREN (notgrandfather) to be receptive of the gospel and to come to know Christ.Also please pray for God's peace for Karla's mom, Mary, losing a child andGary's wife, Jennifer.Thanks,Doris

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Update January 27, 2008

Sunday School Party will be Friday Feb.15, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. at Tom Ray's house. (1214 Amarillo St.) Bring side dishes.

Pray for Barbara Smith at Wayland. She will have brain surgery soon.

Pray for Carla McDonald ( her brother has passed away.) His name is Gary Falk. Pray for his children and his grandfather - that he will learn about Christ.

Pray for Jonathan Eaves - Test Tuesday in Dallas, Tx.

PS37-4 Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Pray for Mike Galvan - Mario's coworker - has pancreas cancer.

Continue to pray for Gus Hernandez

Pray for Margaret Blanco Martinez - Ester's niece - she takes chemo treatments every Friday. She feels good and has alot of faith that God will work in this journey.

Pray for David Evans as he begins another round of chemo.

Keep Edwin Ward in your prayers that he can have a relationship with the Lord like the one he once had.

Pray for David as he brings us our lesson each Sunday. May the Holy Spirit be there with us each Sunday.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Update January 20, 2008

Remember to pray for Rick Shaw and his family, while Rick is in Kenya. Pray for students and staff at Wayland and KTBC

Continue to pray for Crystal McDonald and her need to find a job. Pray that she will be hired by a Christian and co-workers if any, will be Christians.

Please pray for Elaine Graves as she prepares to move and for her life as she is in Houston, Tx.

Pray for Dianne Ward as she has been fighting a cold for about a week and still working.

Continue to pray for David Evans as he under goes another round of chemo.

Continue to pray for Carla's brother (Gary) as he is battling cancer. Pray for his wife and mother.

Edwin Ward needs a spiritual healing as well as a mental healing. Pray for his wife Chelsea.

Pray for David as he brings us closer to God in Sunday School each week.

Pray for our military and our leaders.

And most of all, lets pray for each other.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Update for January 13, 2008

Pray for Barbara Smith - Mayo Hospital in Phoenix.

Christy(The Ray's daughter is expecting her fifth child, a boy, January 17, 2008.

Prayer - Molly Huffman - has cancer

Pray for a teenager in this community who is having life decisions and understanding.

Pray for Margaret Martinez - Ester's niece - is going through treatments to lower hormone levels.

Continue to keep Gus Hernandez in our prayers. He does not want to fight his cancer.

Greg and Sara Howle got back home to Australia safely after a good visit with their nephew ( Our Grandson)

Praise - David McDonald's shingles are much better. Thank You for your prayers. Continue to pray for his eye.

Praise - Clay McDonald has accepted a job with the Secret Service. He reports in March.

Please continue to pray for Crystal McDonald to find a job with a christian boss and coworkers.

Walk to Emmaus #57 January 17-20

Ladies Prayer time at Maria Sheetz house sat. Jan. 19 at 9:30 a.m. (201 S. Navasota Dr)

Continue to pray for David and Linda Evans.

Prayers are still needed for Edwin Ward.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Update January 11, 2008

Larry, just in case I forget to mention this Sunday morning...or forget to enter into the "book," here is information regarding David Evans.

He and Linda do miss the Sunday School time--but
1. As he is so exhausted from his week of work, he needs to rests as much as possible...especially early morning.
2. Per his doctor -- he will not be taking chemo for several weeks. Also, because he continues to have stomach nausea, he will be seeing a doctor regarding that.
3. Linda is working two jobs.
Please continue to pray for them.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Update January 6, 2007

Much needed prayers for Kenya Baptist Theological College: staff, students, and Baptist in Kenya. They need God's full armor right now.

Pray for Randy Jackson.

Margaret Blanco - Ester's niece - she is having some medical problems. Pray for her and her doctors.

Gus Hernandez - Mario's Brother-in-law - Pray that he will have a desire to fight this cancer. And Pray for his wife Erma as well.

Brandon Ahrens - Pray for a good interview on Monday at ASB. Also a praise for Brandon and Debbie in their new home in Lubbock.

Pray for David McDonald who was diagnosed with Shingles.

Thank God for his love and you for your prayers. Larry Jones.

Let us all pray for those who have troubles both physical and mental.

Pray for those who are lost that they may find Jesus .

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Prayer Request January 2, 2008

Would you please add David to the prayer blog. He has shingles. They are on the right side of his head and around his eye. Please pray that it doesn’t get in his eye, that his pain will be minimal, and that he will get the rest he needs.

Thank you,