Sunday, October 14, 2007

Update for week of October 14, 2007

Pray for the election on alcohol sales in Plainview, that it would be defeated.

Bible study passage for October 21 is Ephesians 1: 15-23

Cathy and David's son Adam has a job possibility in Seattle which would represent a significant promotion.

Pray for Nancy Potter (mother of Annette Coon) who had a heart attack and is in ICU. She also has other major health concerns.

Pray for Jetta Jackson - brain cancer - and Andy Jackson as he provides care.

Pray for Gus Hernandez, he is to see his Doctor this week. Pray for healing, strength, and for his wife, Erma.

Pray for Gary Falk (Karla McDonald's brother) has advanced cancer.

Praise for Jean Smith and Mary Knoohuizen, both are doing well and progressing. Thanks for continued prayers.

Pray for Dr. Selma Wilson (Larry's pain management doctor) who recently lost her 23 year old son.

Pray for John Ward's healing after his 4th back surgery. Pray for his wife and kids as he does not get paid while he is off. A fast recovery will help allot.

Praise God for giving us such a wonderful Sunday school teacher.


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