Sunday, October 07, 2007

Update For week of October 7, 2007

Praise - Bruce Williams, brother-in-law of Tom Ray, has finally gotten his disability payments started.

Gary Falk, Karla McDonald's brother, still needs our prayers. He has cancer.

Rachel's father, Alvin Perry is doing well. Neither he nor Rachel's mom can drive right now, so they are fighting cabin fever.
Randy's mom's health has started a more serious decline. Continued prayers are appreciated.

Pray for Jo Carol Walker's upcoming back surgery.

Olga - Continue praying for my parents. They are not in good health. (Emilio & Clara Jimenez)

Gus Hernandez (Mario's brother-in-law) continues to be in pain. He just wants to sleep and does not eat. Continue to pray for his health and his wife Erma.

John Ward (Larry & Dianne's son) is having complications from his back surgery. Continue to pray for him and his family.

Pray for Jean Smith and Mary Knoohuizen.

Pray for Jo Lively's son. He has cancer.


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