Tuesday, July 31, 2007



Let's pray for the 22 South Korean Christians being held hostage in Afghanistan.

Joe Michael and Candy

Monday, July 23, 2007

Update for week of July 22, 2007

Pray for our Kenya Team 3, as they continue to minister there.

Traveling mercies for class members.

Pray for Judy Whitworth's great nephew. He has ADHD, Dyslexia and now showing signs of emotional problems. Pray for a chance to be properly diagnosed and healed. Name - Dustin Short.

Timothy Eaves reports this week to begin his career as a border patrolman. His first obligation is 4 months of training in Artesia, N.M. and then he will be on duty in the Brownsville area. Please pray for his safety and also for this new phase in his parents lives.

Pray for the Dundee's.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Update for week of July 15, 2007

Pray for the Kenya Team #3

Pray for Dick DeLung and family at the death of his wife.

Praise - Olga and John - We survived the wedding. Continue to pray for Debbie and her husband, Brandon Ahrens, as they start a new phase in their lives.

Pray for Edwin Ward - mental health issues.

Larry and Dianne would like to thank everyone for their prayers after Larry's mother passed away June 29, 2007

Continue to pray for Larry's Dad , Denver Ward, in his grieving process after loosing his wife of 62 years.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Update for week of July 8, 2007

There will be a movie night July 12, 2007. 7:30 -9:00 p.m. will be an outdoor meal. Movie at 9:00p.m. Nobody has signed up to bring brownies or cookies. The Howles and Wallers will bring chips, Doris & David McDonald and Rick Graves will bring ice cream. The movie will be at the outdoor pavilion.

Pray for the Kenya Team 3 which leaves Saturday.

Pray for Lucy Hatch as she does speech, physical, occupational, and play therapy.

Pray for David Evans to gain strength.

Pray for Edwin Ward Mental and Physical Health.

Pray for those who have lost a loved one recently.

Pray for all who travel to have safe trips.

Always praise God.

Update for week of July 8, 2007

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Continue of Update July 1, 2007 page 2

The new granddaughter is Phil and Carla's

Praise - Ben and Delina Egnew are expecting twins in January.
Amy Egnew is going to TSU on July 5th

Please pray for Joe Provence - heart attack and stroke.
Pray for Beverly Kimbrough - cancer treatment
Pray for Margaret Johnson - cancer treatment
Pray for David Evans battling cancer

Pray for my daughter (Debbie) and her wedding taking place here at the church on July 7, 2007.
Pray for families involved.

Please pray for Terrie Rector Glasgow's continued recovery from renal failer, sepses

Update for week of July 1, 2007 page 1

Please add the Sheetz, Richard & Maria to your prayer list. They are in Ireland today. Have been in the UK and will return there before trying to get home. They are okay at this time. Pray for their safe return. Phyllis Wall

Please pray for Denver Ward (Larry's Dad) who lost his wife Friday and her funeral is Monday.

Pray for Larry, his brother and sister who lost their Mother.

Pray for Ed Hatchett (Dianne's Dad) who had a mild stroke this past week.

Please pray for Doris who has a painful heel spur. Pray that she will be pain free.

Praise - Birth of a healthy granddaughter (Addison Diana Kenley)