Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Update for week of May27, 2007

There were no Prayer request or Praises in the Flannel Board Book last Sunday, so here is a few of my own.

Please pray for David Evans and his wife Linda, they are going through a difficult time now.

Pray for those who are in Kenya and those who will be going soon. Pray that God's work will be done through them.

Pray for Robert Coppedge and his family(Dianne Ward's nephew). They are doing mission work in Turkey. Last week a bomb exploded in Turkey where Robert was just two hours before.

Praise Dianne Ward and Larry Ward celebrate 37 years of marriage on May 30, 2007

When you think of a prayer request or praise email me at retiredandnursing@suddenlink.net

Sunday, May 13, 2007

New Update

I got a note from Debi Wall. She has been out for quite a while and here is the explanation. Could you post this info?

Debi has been gone a lot due to not feeling well. She will be leaving again May 16th for a heart procedure at Baylor Hospital in Dallas, to be done on the 18th. They will be inserting a pacemaker that will resynchronize her heart which also has a defibrillator. It is a special pacemaker for people with heart failure.
Debi will be gone 4 to 5 weeks and would appreciate our prayers not only for her, but for Sonya who won't have Debi around to help with the children. Debi asked if we might know someone responsible that could help Sonya out on Mondays and sometimes on Tuesday mornings with her children while she is at work at times when Debi is gone. She won't be able to afford to pay a lot, but Debi will help her if need be.


Update for week of May 13, 2007

Much Praise - Jason graduated from Wayland last Saturday. On Wednesday, he rolled and flipped his pickup and walked away with bruises and a cut on his cheek. Jeff made it successfully to Atlanta for the summer. Johnathon is a newly announced recipient of the Clay Warren Scholarship. Thanks be to God for all he has done.

Praise - Kathy Painter's Mother is home and doing well!

Tommy Caldwell has began a new job search. Travel mercies for family returning from Tech graduation this weekend.

Please keep praying for my son - Thanks Jo Carol

Please keep David Evans in your prayers as he is undergoing cancer treatments. Lets keep Linda in our prayers also.

Keep praying for Edwin Ward's health problems.

Pray for a safe trip and great fellowships for those going on the Kenya trip.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Update for week of May 6, 2007

Pray for Sara and Greg Howle. They lost their baby last week.

Pray for Jeanne Ray, health concerns.

Pray for Bruce Williams (Tom's brother-in-law), divorce finalized for him this week.

Pray for Edwin Ward (Larry and Dianne's son) depression.

Praise - Crystal McDonald will graduate from South Plains College Friday, May 11, 2007. Please pray that God will provide a job.

Praise - The McDonalds and Eaves for such a great Holy Land trip review.

Continue to pray for David and Linda Evans (David's cancer treatments)