Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sunday school lesson for March 4 (2nd Sunday of Lent)

What do we do when there are gaps in the Bible stories? What do we say when the Bible does not speak? How does the Bible relate to history?

We will start this study with a look at the narratives about the Holy Family: Luke 1:26-38; 2:12-52; Matthew 1:18-25. Have you heard about the "Jesus tomb"? We can discuss that, too.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Update for week of February 25, 2007

Randy is fishing - Pneumonia again

Evelyn Hartley - Rachel Petty's Grandmother- fell this week. No broken bones, but she is letting fear get in the way of healing. Pray for the family to make the best decisions regarding her.

Wow! Mario and Ester have been married for 23 years today! Continue praying for the Rodriquez family.

Jo Carol Walker has been sick for the past two weeks with a tooth infection.

Praise - John Quintana - Angiogram turned out fine. Everything seems to be OK. Continue praying for good health.

John Ward's surgery went well and he went home Sunday to recuperate. Continue praying for Edwin Ward.

Continue to pray for David Evans that the Lord will heal him.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Mid-week prayer concerns

We got word that David Evans has had a recurrence of lymphoma. He is on a medication which will not be as rough on his body as the last time. Please remember David and Linda in your prayers.

Also, Larry and Dianne's son John is scheduled to undergo back surgery today (Friday 23). Though it will be less invasive than the last time he had back surgery, he is still nervous about the operation.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sunday school lesson for February 25

The question for Sunday's lesson concerns the interpretation of Jesus' statement to Peter in Matthew 16 about "binding and loosing" things on earth and heaven. Here are the passages to read in preparation for this lesson:
Matthew 10:11-15; 16:17-19; 18:18-20; 23:13-14; John 20:22-23

What do you think this means?

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Update for week of February 18, 2007

Pray for Bruce Williams,(Tom and Linda Ray's brother-in-law) is on disability and also is undergoing a divorce.

Continue to pray for Jetta Jackson and her family.

Mickey Marshall and Lindsay Mullins as they make plans for a July wedding and career decisions.

Pray for Larry and Dianne Ward's granddaughter who has the flue.
Pray for John Ward who is scheduled for surgery on Friday Feb 23, 2007
Pray for Edwin Ward that his new medication wlll help.

Let’s add kym, caleb & brett norrell to the list…they have rough days ahead. Phyllis

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Update for week of February 11, 2007

Pray for Keva and Shad Reed ( friends of Randy Jackson) as they attempt to go through the process of adopting a baby.

Pray for Jetta Jackson ( Randy and Rachel's mom) as she continues t suffer from brain cancer. Pray for Andy Jackson Pray for Richard an Randy Jackson as they go through the process of planning future funeral arrangements.

Randy Jackson - As job search begins

Continue to keep the Mario Rodriquez family in you prayers, especially son Justin and dealing with finishing high school.

John and Olga Quintana - Praise for both girls as they finished up teacher evaluation this month (daughters) Pray for Sylvia Luera (my sister) has medical problems.

Christi Huber - That she will desire to come to church as she gets settled in her new home.

Tom and Linda Ray's brother-in-law, Bruce Williams, having health problems and divorce.

Phil and Carla's son and daughter-in-law expecting birth of 1st baby any time. (Due date Feb 14) She had two miscarriages this past year. Praise Phil and Carla's second son and daughter-in-law are expecting a girl in July. 1st child is a boy.

Pray for a friend Able Ramos, that he will be given workmans disability for back injury. Lots of red tape, having trouble getting help.

Pray for Edwin Ward that his new medicine will help him.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Update for week of February 4, 2007 cont. p. 2

Pray for wisdom as changes are considered at school Pray for Christan Cury ( Kayla C.'s niece) - med school acceptance - Tech or U.N.Mexico. Pray for freshman girls - several having major problems with headaches and no relief can be found.

Pray for those of us who are teachers as we try to motivate and influence students brought in our lives.

Praise God for my bedtime devoional (book) gift. God has spoken to me through his words.

Pray for Mario Rodriquez family. That we remember to put God first and seek him.

Jo Carol's Aunt received a kidney transplant and is doing great.

Thank you God for the extra income you have given us.

Debbie Quintana (daughter of John and Olga Quintana) as she faces first teacher evaluation on wed. Also as we plan for a wedding on July 7th at FBC. Praise - for Tracy Rosales for a great teacher evaluation last week.

Update for week of February 4, 2007

Pray for Bruce Williams (health and divorce) , brother-in-law of Tom & Linda Ray

Doris McDonald - I will have a thyrogene test run Feb 12-16. Pleas pray that I am still clear of cancerous thyoid cells.

Praise God that Greg Howle got a full-time job as a graphic designer in Syndey, Australia

Praise - Cori and Cory Kirk (daughter and son-in-law of Bill and Judy Davis) are home (in Texas) on leave for 2 weeks

please pray for Margaret Johnson - under going cancer treatment. Several friends are dealing with illness and diseases

Kristi Kenley- Praise- Was laid off job, was hired the next day for a better one.
Pray for a reminder of God's work in her life daily, and for walking closer to him.