Thursday, December 07, 2006

Week of Dec. 3-9

Prayer concerns:
  • The family of Jo Lively as they continue to deal with the death of her grandson Shane (age 34)
  • Randy Jackson's mom Jetta and the other family members
  • Justin Rodriquez, as he is making decisions, needs to remember who he is and to whom he belongs
  • Christi Huber who is moving to Plainview for schooling
  • Joanne Eaves as she continues to recuperate from shingles
  • Sally Eaves and Pat Smith as they travel to Dallas
  • FBC Personnel Committee faced with numerous staff vacancies
  • Christmas on Columbia can stilll use more snacks. Bring your goodies to the church after 1:00 Friday.
  • Dare to Believe Outreach Center will be collecting non-perishable food and new toys to distribute to needy families on December 16. More info will be available in Sunday school.
  • Your missions offering for Christmas can be designated for Lottie Moon, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, or Kenya Baptist Theological College project (or all three!)
  • The study on Sunday morning will be about the branches of monotheism: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The focus will be on the ways in which Christianity is perceived in the Middle East.
  • Our Christmas Party will be at the home of Tom and Linda Ray on December 16. They will provide the meat if we will bring other goodies. Mark your calendar. More details next posting.


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