Tuesday, January 31, 2006

January 31, 2006

Larry and Dianne Ward's son, John will have major back surgery on 2/6/06.

Phil and Carla Kenley's son and daughter in law will have the baby induction on 2/5/06. Please pray for a safe delivery.

Emily and Janice Jones are in Albuquerque waiting for the baby to come in March. She is already having contractions.

Cary's dad, Bill Eaves, is home from the hospital after they placed a stint in a major artery in the left kidney. Pray he won't have to go on dialysis.

Timothy Eaves has broken his collar bone. Pray for a quick recovery and less pain.

Judy Davis's parents have failing health. It is happening quickly. They were recently placed in nursing homes. Her mom has alzheimers (progressing quickly) and is recovering from a broken pelvis. Her dad is just out of the hospital recovering from a broken hip and blood pressure problems. She is overwhelmed because she does not live close enough to help.

Christy Ray is due with her fourth child. Linda will go to be with her once the baby comes.

Cathy's sister, Carol, asked for our prayers during this time of stress, financial difficulty and family concerns.

Adam and Poppy Howle's first child is due March 27th.

January 31, 2006

Larry and Dianne Ward's son, John will have major back surgery on 2/6/06.

Phil and Carla Kenley's son and daughter in law will have the baby induction on 2/5/06. Please pray for a safe delivery.

Emily and Janice Jones are in Albuquerque waiting for the baby to come in March. She is already having contractions.

Cary's dad, Bill Eaves, is home from the hospital after they placed a stint in a major artery in the left kidney. Pray he won't have to go on dialysis.

Timothy Eaves has broken his collar bone. Pray for a quick recovery and less pain.

Judy Davis's parents have failing health. It is happening quickly. They were recently placed in nursing homes. Her mom has alzheimers (progressing quickly) and is recovering from a broken pelvis. Her dad is just out of the hospital recovering from a broken hip and blood pressure problems. She is overwhelmed because she does not live close enough to help.

Christy Ray is due with her fourth child. Linda will go to be with her once the baby comes.

Cathy's sister, Carol, asked for our prayers during this time of stress, financial difficulty and family concerns.

Adam and Poppy Howle's first child is due March 27th.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


I got to see Ester last night! She looks good. She is still weak and having some pain. Caleb went to the doctor yesterday and has the flu! So while I was there, Ester was clutching a can of Lysol. Please continue to pray for her and that she does not get the flu. Pray for Caleb to have a quick recovery.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Prayer and Praise

Ester is home from the hospital! The surgery went well. She is still in pain. They should have some results on Friday.

Charlotte talked to Janice Jones on 1/17/06. Her plans are to go to Albuquerque and stay until her daughter, Emily, has her baby. Due date is 3/3/06 but she's having contractions all the time and has been in and out of the hospital 5 times since 12/31/05. Pray for Janice and grandbaby.

Jo Lively has had a reoccurance of the upper respiratory problems that she experienced recently. Pray for her restored health. She plays an important role in our Prayer Ministry and is terribly missed when she is not there.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

January 1, 2006 Prayer and Praise

Prayer Request:

Continued prayer for Ester and her unspoken request.

Mindy's family will be traveling today. Also, for God to provide the finances for a vehicle.

Adam and Poppy Howle to get back into a good Church before the birth of their baby.

Doris McDonald's step-mom continues to struggle with ITP. It is an immune proble that something keeps eating her platelets. She was hoping to quit taking the shots once a week but has found that she cannot stop. She gets blood blisters in her mouth and her nose bleeds. Doris's dad will continue to drive her the 400 mile round trip each week for her to get her shot. He is in his 80's. Please pray for their traveling mercies as well as the shot doing what it is supposed to do.

Larry and Dianne Wards sons, John and Edwin, will both be having back surgery soon. John's is on 2/6/06. Edwin is fighting a staph infection and his surgery will be scheduled once he is better.

Ersa Egnew's grand niece, Danielle DeVore, was here on Christmas Eve. We have been praying for her. She is doing very well!!