Monday, December 19, 2005

Prayer and Praise 12/18-12/25


Ester Rodriquez:
Please pray for her and her family.
Ester's Mom
David (her brother) and Lisa Martinez for decisions they must make and for them to allow God to lead them.

Irene Aiken's son died suddenly on December 17th. He was only 18 years old.

Mindy Choate: Traveling mercies for her and her entire family.

Traveling mercies for each member of our class and their families.


Kayla and Tommy's son, Mickey Marshall, got his job and will train in Irving for 3 months. Pray for his safety and that God will continue to soften his heart and draw him close.

Tracey has finished her 24 hours at Wayland. She will be doing her student teaching this spring. Debbie will start her last semester in the spring. She has had to quit her full time job in order to finish. Pray that God will provide financially during this time.

Edwin and Chelsea Ward are going back to Church. They have not been in 9 1/2 years of marriage. Pray that someone will take them under their wing and encourage them to continue.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Prayer and Praise 12/11-12/17

Tom Ray's wife, Linda, has gone to stay with their daughter Christy. Christy is expecting a baby in February and they have put her on some restrictions.

Eddy and DeAnn's son, Cade, had an appendectomy. He is running a fever and his oxygen level is not right.

Sally Eaves brother, Rob and his wife and daughter, were involved in a head on accident with a deer on Sunday morning. They were on their way back to Florida.

Ester Rodriquez's sister, Rita Blanco, needs continued prayers.

Ester also has an important unspoken request.

Kayla Caldwell's son, Mickey Marshall for a job offer.

Alton Painter's mom is in the hospital with congestive heart failure.


Phil and Carla's daughter is now attending Church. They give thanks for the influence of the daughter's Christian friends. This is an answer to years of prayer.

Got Plans For Friday?

We're going to start our Angel Tree shopping this Friday night. We'll meet at 6:30 p.m. by the McDonald's in Wal-Mart. There are seven kids on our Christmas list this year.

If you haven't yet given to this project, its not too late! We will collect money again this Sunday. Anyone want to volunteer to do gift wrapping?

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Have you signed up to attend the Christmas Party?

Joey is buying the steaks this weekend. The cost is $6.00 per person. (Well worth it for any old piece of shoe leather cooked by Joey, much less a steak!) If you haven't signed up to bring a dish and/or paid, go by the church office this week and get signed up with Charlotte.

The party will be at 6:00 p.m on Tuesday, December 20th at the home of Ruth and David Wright, 402 Lometa. Please dress in your Sunday best. Entertainment will be provided by the Plainview High School Chamber Singers.

Friday, December 02, 2005

12/2/05 Urgent for Ruthie

My bother, Jerry, just called from Austin. His youngest step-daughter is named Ruthie. She is a very special child and I just fell in love with her. She is 6 but has the mind of a 2-3 year old. Ruthie just had a grand mal seizure and is being taken by ambulance to the Childrens Hospital.

Mindy Choate