Monday, October 24, 2005

Prayer request for 10/23/05

Prayer Request

Rita Blanco, Ester's sister, has just been admitted to the hospital. They do not know what is wrong with her.

John Ward, son of Larry and Dianne Ward, he needs Christ back in his life.

Tracy Rosales and Debbie Quintana as they travel back and forth to Lubbock for classes. Tracy is completing 24 hours this semester and needs prayer for strength to continue.

Conner Davis as he gets scanned this week. There will be several tests since his chemo has ended. He will also have surgery to remove the port. Pray for good results.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Urgent Prayer Request Jo Carol and David

Their granddaughter, Samantha, has gone as far as possible with the problems that she has been having. She will now have to have stomach surgery. The surgery will be this coming Monday at Cooks Childrens hospital. The surgeons will wrap her stomach around her esphagus. She will be in the hospital about 4 days. Sam is only 9 months old and weighs 14 lbs. This will be updated when more information is known.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Prayer and Praise for the week of October 16th

Ton Ray's Sister in law, Tammy Williams, is recovering from breast cancer.

Carla Kenley's Sister in law's father is dying. This is a long process. The family request prayers for patience, strength and acceptance.

Larry and Dianne's son John is in need of back surgery. He has not insurance. He is waiting for a decision from Texas Rehab as to whether they will pay for the surgery or not.

Jana DeArmond is having test and x-rays on Thursday October 21st.

Jopnathan Eaves needs prayer for the healing of the nerve in his little finger on this left hand.

Conner Davis goes in this week for a CT scan and Galium scan to make sure that all of the tumors are gone. Pray for good results.

Ester's brother David Martinez and his family as they have some very difficult decisions to make.

Judy Davis's parents are going into a rest home in Kansas.

Martha Egnew (Ersa and Richard's daughter) as she starts a new job and refocuses her life.

Walter Wright...they are going to be grandparents! Their daughter is seeking and needs prayer.


Lets's join in praise with the Conner Davis's family for the good results that they will receive this week.

Kaleah Short ( Judy Whitworth's great niece and nephew's 1/2 sister. She is a baby and has fluid on her brain. Had an MRI in Houston. There is no need for immediate action and they are just watching the situtation at this time.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Money, Money, Money!

We will be collecting money again on Sunday to purchase materials to build a porch. One of the families our class bought presents for last year, as part of the Angel Tree project, had a rickety, unsafe porch. We are hoping to replace it for them this year. We need your donations now and your time and effort later to help build.

Any donations we receive that exceed the cost of materials will be applied to this year's Angel Tree project.

Do you a project in mind that you would like to see us tackle? Either leave a comment here or send me an email ( with the details. We always need good ideas.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Prayer and Praise for the week of October 2nd


We have been praying for Jana DeArmond's sister in law (Also named Jana and her husband Dee) and the twins that she is carrying. Our Jana received word today that they were not able to find a heart beat on the babies today. They did a sonogram and there was no movement. They were going to induce her labor this afternoon. This is their 4th miscarriage. She was 4 1/2 months along. PLEASE remember this family in prayer at such a difficult time.

Randy Jackson is having some health problems. He is planning on attending college and pursuing a teaching degree so he needs to get well. He ask that we pray for direction that he follow the path that God has set for him.

John and Olga Quintana are looking for a Church home.

Jonathan Eaves for continued healing after his ear surgery.

Cary Catherine Eaves for safety as the travels back and forth between Denton to Dallas.

Timothy Eaves needs our continued prayers as he is taking 22 hours at college.

Please remember the Steve Johnson family. Steve's mother passed away.

Carla Kenley is doing better but is not totally well. She still needs our prayers for a complete healing.

The Pastor's Monday Bible study.


Edwin Ward made it safely home.

Cade Choate is feeling much better.

Janis had good results with her surgery.