Monday, February 22, 2010


This is the latest on Paulette Manning's brother-in-law. They are very appreciative of all prayers.


After weeks of in hospital recovery Everette was released from Kendrid Hospital in San Antonio. He will continue with out patient therapy at NIOSA in San Antonio 5 days per week for 3 weeks then Everette will be re-evaluated to see if he needs additional outpatient therapy.

Everette has been touched by the hand of God and has made a remarkable recovery from his injuries and we are so thankful for all your prayers, cards, calls, visits, love offerings, flowers, food, etc.

Continue to pray for Everette's continued improvement and him regaining his strength.

Our love and gratitude to you all.

Becky, Everette, and kids

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Prayers and Praises - February 21, 2010

Prayers of the People:
Eric Ray - newborn great nephew of Stan and Jean DeMerritt - pray that he will continue to grow strong.

Barton Family - pray during their loss of wife and mother, Stephanie

Peter Bowen - continue to pray for him as he still has two weeks in the country.

Wayland Kenya Students - pray that they will be nourished physically and spiritually during their classes this term. Their meals have been cut with minimal protein.

Grady Munz

Sarah Dillman - Sally Eave's neice - pray for wise choices and salvation

Tammy Frazier and Family - loss of James and the adjustment and time of greiving

Nolan Bonkte

Revival in America

Dr. Paul and Duana Armes' daughter and son-in-law - daughter is being deployed to Afganistan in May for four months leaving the husband behind in Italy - she is a civil worker and historian for the United State Air Force - pray for her safety.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Prayers, Praise, and Homework

This edition of the Flannel Board includes:


Prayers of the People:

Peter Bowen - traveling to Kenya to teach. Pray for Lynette and the boys as he will be gone for three weeks.

Jimmy Webster - Martha Shaw's brother-in-law; in the hospital with severe staph infection following knee and hip replacement surgery.

Sarah Dillman - Sally Eave's neice; wisdom to make correct choices

Brent Barton and children - loss of his spouse, Stephanie

Tammy Frasior and children - loss of James Frasior

Dr. Paul Armes and Duana - as they travel in Italy and back to the States.

John Coon - continue to pray for healing, strength, and comfort

Pray for those with mental illness.


Praises of the People

Joe Schiel - Jean's dad had a knee cap replacement from the last knee replacement - he is doing great!

HOMEWORK - thanks, David!

If you missed Sunday school today, you missed some good discussion. In the effort to learn more about making friends for Christ, we are going to embark on a project. We will plan out and make an audio CD with testimonies, Bible passages, comments about FBC, etc. This will be something that we can distribute to people we befriend in the name of Christ.For next Sunday please think about and write up comments on one (or more) of the following topics:
• Testimony of God's work in your life
• Explanation of how to come to Jesus
• What FBC has meant to you
• What Christians believe about the Bible
• Favorite prayers or passages of scripture
We envision adding more info than this (e.g., listing some of the FBC programs with schedules and locations), but need your contributions for scripts. Even if your comments are not selected for the CD, it will be valuable for you to think about the topics listed above.

See you next Sunday with your "homework" in hand!


Thursday, February 04, 2010

Paulette Mannings Brother-in-law Status

This is from Everette’s wife and Paulette’s sister, Becky. God is good.


Everette has improved enough to be moved to Kendrick Hospital in San Antonio to start Physical, Occupational and speech therapy. He is doing much better. He is eating and talking (although processing is some times slow) walked with a walker yesterday, upper and lower body strength seems to be strong. I don't know how long we will be at Kendrick at this point.

Visiting hours are 8am to 8pm. Bailey is going to go see her Poppy today, she is so excited.

Keep praying for healing for the head trauma which is getting better but need complete healing. Also his blood pressure has been elevated and they put him on medicine for that. He is getting bored because after therapy there is nothing to do so I'm talking the dice, dominos and lap top for him to play games with. Hopefully this will help.

As for me, I'm running on empty most of the time but God keeps giving me enough energy to keep going. I long for the day Ev can come home.

Thank everyone for the prayers and keep them coming. The bible verses I get are a great help.

God is Great!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Prayers of the People - January 31, 2010

Prayers of the People:

John Coon - dealing with restrictive lung disease; pray for him and his family as they seek further medical treatments and solutions

Gene Riddlehoover - former mayor of Plainview, suffered a stroke and is in Covenant Hospital Plainview.

Edwin Ward - keep praying; prayers are working! - Larry and Dianne Ward

Upward Basketball - continue to pray for the events as they are a ministry to the community and the players.

Student Ministry - pray as the committee begins planning for the Disciple Now in March.

Everett - Paulette Mannings brother-in-law; continues to make progress on healing; keep praying for his full recovery.

Peter Bowen - will be traveling alone to Kenya on Feb. 12, 2010 to teach a course for three weeks; pray for his safety and time abroad.

Rick Shaw and the Kenya team - pray that they make it back safely and have a speedy adjustment from their jet lag; pray for continued guidance for the team as they debrief from their expeirences in ministry in Kenya.

Beverly Sanders - continues to make a recovery from her surgery

Joe Schiel (Jean DeMerritt's father) - has doctor appointments for upcoming knee surgery; pray he will have a clean bill of health to proceed with the surgery.

David Howle - as he prepares to present the winter bible study to the congregation in Hart; pray that the Spirit has prepared their hearts and that they will be attentive to the message.


Remember - if you have any updates, please send them to me at See you next week!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Prayers and Praises 1/24/2010

This addition of the Flannel Board includes:
Prayers of the People
Praises of the People
Studies in Matthew

Prayers of the People
Caleb Rodriquez - Thank you all for your prayers! Caleb is doing good, lots of pain (thank God for meds)!

Those of you who know Caleb, this will be funny to you:

The procedure was done in the office, as the nurse asked him to lay down to inject some medicine, he quickly tells me:
"Mom, tell Justin I love case I don't make it!"

He survived and did not think it was FUNNY when I told him the tubes were a pretty PINK color and when the doctor played along!

Continue to pray for healing! ester

John Coon - prayer for health

The People of Haiti - continue to pray for the country and those who are there to provide humanitarian aid.

Beverly Sanders - gall bladder surgery last Wednesday; it was more involved as there was a tear in teh stomach which was repaired. Continue to pray for healing.

Gary Elliot Family - Gary passed away this week at 59 years old.

Rick Shaw and the Mission Team - as they prepare to travel; currenlty unrest in Nairobi.

Peter Bowen - as he prepares to head to Kenya to teach for Wayland; pray for safety in his travel to Brackenhurst and KBTC campus.

Kip McDonald - called to serve in Haiti with the military

Everette Boyce - I just received notice that my Brother-in Law, Everette Boyce, Methodist minister in Bandera, TX, was involved in a motor cycle accident yesterday. He is in critical condition and in intensive care at University Hospital in San Antonio. He has a brain hemorrhage, bleeding kidney, multiple face and head fractures and lacerations, and 6 broken ribs. Please pray for him, his wife (who is Paulette’s sister), their children, and other relatives.
Thank you for your concern and prayers.
Gary Manning


Praises of the People:
Ms. Ward - nominated for a Values in Action Award for Excellence through the Covenant Health Systems (60 of us out of 5000 employees)


Studes of the Parables in Matthew 13:24-30, 37-43, and 47-50

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ester Rodriquez - Prayer Request

Ester requests the following prayers. I have not heard how the proceedure went yesterday.

Caleb is having tubes, again, in both ears tomorrow (Tueday, January 19) at 11am. The eardrum on the right side does not have any movement and his hearing is not good. Dr. Winter hopes a larger and different type of tube can help.

Continue to keep Caleb, Justin (& his family) and myself in your prayers.

Thank you all!
Ester Rodriquez