Sunday, November 02, 2008

Update November 2, 2008

Please Pray for Rick Pledger, a member of Bethel Baptist Church. He was in a motorcycle accident and broke his back in three places and his neck in four places. He faces a long and painful recovery.

Pray for the election this tuesday.

Praise God! and thank you for your prayers! Despite what the radiologist and the surgen thought, your prayers were answered and the test results were benign! Thank You for your prayers. Doris

Ben and Delina were in a car wreck with the twins in the back seat. Expedition totaled, but all Egnews were OK. Thank You God.

Please continue to pray for Jean Smith, Blaine's Mom, for her recovery. His Aunt Mimi just had knee surgery - please pray that she will heal quickly (to help out with Jean's full recovery.

Please pray that David Howle's hand surgery goes well and he has a full recovery.

It’s benign!!!! Just fibrocystic changes due to hormornes. No cancer cells or abnormal cells. This is a result of prayer. Both the radiologist and the surgeon said that by looking at my mammogram, it looked to be malignant. The surgeon was surprised when the needle biopsy came back benign. God is good!! Thank you so much for your prayers – I felt every one.

Love to all,



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