Sunday, May 04, 2008

Update May 4, 2008

Praise! Joey and Charlette White are now home owners in Plainview after 6 years of renting. Come see us!

Please Pray for the Wayland mission team to Macedonia Kosova. Pray specifically for Kevin Burrow & Taylor Phillips as they prepare sermons. ask the Lord to Provide many opportunities to proclaim Jesus' love.

Pray for the APOSTOLOS mission team of Wayland, which is engaging the most marginalized in Plainview. Contact Rick Shaw to help.

Please keep Chris Hayter in prayer. He was the survivor from the wreck in Floydada a couple of weeks ago. He is still in the hospital and not handling things well. C. Wilson

Please pray for Carlos Rivera and family at the death of his wife Maria (age 48) suddenly on Friday, May 2. She taught preschool with Judy Davis at 1st Presbyterian preschool.

Continue to Pray for Cory Kirk (Bill & Judy Davis son-in-law) who is deployed to Iraq and for his wife and new baby left behind.


At 8:39 AM, Blogger Rick said...

Please pray for our Macedonia mission team today! Check out the blog at



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