Wednesday, February 08, 2006

February 9, 2006


Ester went to the doctor Wednesday. They still do not have the pathology report back yet. Please continue to hold her and her family up in prayer. This is a very stressful time.

Kayla Caldwell talked to Larry this week and got an update on their son's surgery. John's surgery lasted 81/2 hours, but doctors were pleased with how it went. Larry said John would be in ICU tonight through tomorrow night and hopefully Wednesday would see him moved to a private room. Both Larry and Diane are tired but optimistic....they will be staying with Larry's dad in Lubbock at least until Wednesday. Larry said for us to keep praying!!

The Kenley's have a new grandbaby! This is a baby that our class has already had the honor of praying for. Michael Tanner Kenley arrived at 6:57 pm on February 6, 2006. He was 20'' long and weighed 6 lbs and 15 oz. Welcome to the world little one! Let's continue to hold him and his parents up in prayer.


At 8:19 PM, Blogger little david said...

John is now home with Blair and the two kids. He is able to sit up since he has a very sturdy wrap-around vest that he compared to a turtle shell. Please keep praying for the family. I am sure they would appreciate meals being brought by.


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